Wednesday, 22 October 2008

Pink Candy - 30,000 Hits! NOW CLOSED!

My counter has just hit 30,000 hits and I wanted to do something special to celebrate.

October is.. Breast Cancer Awareness month and I would like you to think pink! My Nan died of cancer two years ago and it is such a sad fact of life that this disease affects so many of us if not directly maybe the people around us who we love so very dearly. With the new release of the Pink Magnolia's I knew this would be just the perfect candy. For every Magnolia Pink stamp purchased approx. 41p will go directly to Breast Cancer Awareness (donated directly by Magnolia).
My Prize includes: Magnolia Pink Tilda Ice/Ballet Princess Stamp (as used on my card), Magnolia Pink "Faith, Hope, Love" Sentiment (see above), 2 Sheets of Basic Grey Sophie - Sachet Pink, Pink tickets and some girlie charms.
What do you need to do to enter my candy? Quite simply leave a comment on this post and take the cute little penguin icon and post it on your blog to help raise awareness. You could also add a link to your penguin so it takes your visitors directly to the Breast Cancer Awareness website. If you could help me spread the word about my candy that would be great also!

Most importantly.. take a few minutes to just think... smile at the next person you see, tell someone you love them, give your kids a huge hug, send a distant friend an e-card to let them know you care, send a friend an unexpected RAK or maybe you would like to make a pink card too to send to someone special to put a smile on their face! If you do make a pink card please come back and leave a link on this post as I'd love to see it and you will also get an extra entry for your kindness! I would also love to post your pink cards on a slide show for everyone to admire.

You have until Friday 31st 6pm GMT to enter when my girls will pick a name out of the hat. As always I ship my candy internationally and my visitors who don't have blogs please email me your entry so we can include you.

My card has been made following the sketch created by my dear friend Heidi for this weeks Friday Sketchers challenge.

Love and Hugs,

Card details:
Stamp: Magnolia Pink Tilda Ice/Ballet Princess Stamp
Ink: Memories
Papers: Pink handmade paper, Basic Grey Sugared, various SU Cardstock
Technique: Prismacolor Premier Pencils with Sansodor and Paper Stumps for blending.
Embellishments: little pearls from Heidi, Flowers from Camilla, Handmade heart from Stephanie - Thank you to my dear friends! spacer beads, lace, ribbon, Wire "Girl" word.
Equipment: Wizard and Nestabilities



Heather said...

what gorgeous candy and for such a good cause too! thanks for the opportunity to win! Will be adding the penguin to my site later today

bumblebee creations said...

Hello! Well, I have put on my blog about your blog candy-but I can't figure out how to get the little pink penguin on my blog-can you tell me how? I have tried all I know....Thank you!

Anonymous said...

I posted a message about your candy and, more importantly, about Breast Cancer, and about Magnolia at my site I tried to Copy/Paste your penguin but was unsuccessful. Please enter me in your contest. Thank you

Anita said...

Beautiful card! I just got the penguin in an email and had planed to put it on my blog. This is the extra push that I seem to need.

Sew This N That said...

Great blog candy Zoe, I already have the little penguin on my blog for my friend who is living with breast cancer, so I have made a pink card and put a link to your blog for your candy :0)
you can find my link here
**Hugs** Heather x

Paula's ponderings said...

What a very worthy cause this is. I will most definately put a link and the penguin on my blog when I get home. I have just tried and I think its my work PC playing up.

Congratulations on 30,000's to the next 30,000!!

Sinikka said...

Congrats Nikky.....30.000 hits. WOW
Love your card and such a nice neckless Tilda got.
It is indead a bad disease.

Hugs Sinikka

Kari said...

Beautiful cards you make and a gorgeous candy. Thanks for the opportunity to win. :-)Kari

bumblebee creations said...

Thank you for your help!! I now know how to do that!(It's something I've been trying to figure out how to do for a while now!) So, I'm all linked up-congrats on all of your views!! whew....that is alot!

Karen said...

Hi Nikki,

I just adore this stamp and the fact that it is for such a great cause makes it even better - I would love the chance to win it. I have added the penguin to my blog, but will also run a link on your candy later today.

Karen x

Cindy Haffner said...

Congrats on all the hits, and what a great cause, love your sweet card. TFS.

Heidi said...

This is so wonderful Nikki-I just love your card and the prize. this is so importent and I hope this will get more people to think about this. It is so importen. I just love how you have used the little pearls you got from me.

And Nikki congratulation with your 30 000 hits. Well done. And you know I love your blog

Hugs and love

RubyMay said...

Congratulations Nikki !

Happily Ever After said...

Your card is beautifull it does the cause justice, i will put a post on my blog and a link to Breast Cancer Awarness Web. I also already have the cute penquin. xx I will keep my fingers crossed for your lovely blogg candy

Donna said...

What a lovely idea, i am going to put the penguin on my site now and i will also make a pink card, i know exactly who to give this to. Take care. Donna x

Crafting Diva said...

Hi I think this is a wonderful idea and have add the penguin to my blog and added the link, also I will add a link on my blog about your draw.

Suzanne said...

Great minds think alike!!! I already have the link on my blog as you know. I am also running a blog candy with a similiar theme the more people that spread the word the better.. Sue :o)

Annie said...

what an excellent cause you have chosen to support with your Pink candy - I have the link up on my blog allready and will try to fit in a pink card too. hugs, annie x

Niki Estes said...

This is so cute and a wonderful cause!

Tracey said...

It's a fabulous cause and one I work to support already. I have added the penguin logo to my blog!! Thanks for helping spread awareness!!

Unknown said...

I know how u feel nikki, i lost a friend to cancer yesterday and it's horrid, so i'm in full support of what ur doing! pass on the penguin everyone! xx

Anonymous said...

I have added the penguin at my blog! Cancer is a horrible disease, and some of us are are not as lucky as I was when I had the disease ten years ago!


Sandra said...

I really think this is just so great to do this! I totaly support the Pink Ribbon action.
I left a post on my blog about the subject.


Pop's Cards said...

Dont know where my comment went then...
I will post this on my blog hun, fantastic idea, i fully support this...
There is a little something for you on my blog, hugs Pops x x x

Anonymous said...

You've made a beautiful card with Heidi's sketch's so pretty. I fully support research and awareness of cancer...I know what it's like to lose people you love with this disease too.
Carole x

jo said...

hi nikki,
i have just put one on my blog hun,it realy made me cry to read last part of your blog, its just a great way of getting the awareness across hun. your card is sooo stunning hun, huggs jo x

TA Carbone said...

Hi Nikki
Thank you for making everyone aware of this link and the graphic. I have put it on my Blog and it will stay there as my Mom died from Breast Cancer in 2001 and right now I personally am fighting Stage 4 Colon Cancer


PS: Also subscribed to your Blog :)

jjcreations said...

Too too cute. An awesome card - I love her necklace!!! Joan

Monica said...

I have the penguin on my blog and will announce your blog candy too. I just had a mammogram yesterday after a scare and thank God everything came back fine!

flatis stempelwelt said...

Congratulation to 30000 hits ...

This is wonderful Nikki
I just love your card and the prize is beautiful....
I have link it on my blog

Hugs, Sonja

Stitchinwitch said...

What lovely candy for such a worthwhile cause. The penguin is in my gadgets to the right and there is a little post here

Anonymous said...

Congrats on 30,000 hits! I'm sure at least 100 of them have been mine--love your site! Breast cancer runs rampant in my family so I would love to put your penguin on my site but I can't figure out how to do it. I will definitely make a pink card and get back to you with it. Thanks so much for the chance for a Magnolia...I don't have any and I would love to start with this one.

Gina Wrona said...

Hi Nicki,

Congrats on the hits!

Here in MI I try to buy as many breast cancer awareness groceries as possible, click on the link everyday (counts double in October), and have a link in my signature block email.


Julie Temple said...

Congrats on your hits! I have already posted the little penguin, but I will try to link him up, too. Thanks so much for promoting Breast Cancer Awareness on your blog! The world needs to know! Love the adorable Tilda card..she just makes me smile!

Rubber Hugs,

Deb Wood said...

Congrats on 30,000 hits WOW! Yoo're awesome so I know that number will jump fast!! Absolutely beeautiful card and fabulous candy! I already have the penguin, but will add a link and make a pink card!! Thanks for the chance to win! I loved what you said about smiling at people, sending a card or RAK, it is very important and really makes someone's day!

scotspanda said...

what a gorgeous lush card for a fab cause! And what a lovely candy you are giving away!! I will link you in my candy box on my blog here

I have also put the little penguin up :)


Amanda xx

Ila said...

Fabulous candy Nikki for a Wonderful cause. I've lost a few relatives to breast cancer as well. I've linked the candy on my sidebar...Hugs, Ila

The Country Rose said...

Wow! Congrats Nikki! How awesome- 30,000 hits! I posted your candy on my blog and the little penguin :). So very sorry about your grandma, I'm sure you miss her very much. You are doing a great thing to help raise awareness for women everywhere.
Blessings to you,

Marte said...

You are doing something truly beautiful, and really spreading the word about breast cancer awareness. This is the kick that many of us needs! Thank you! :)

Congratulations on your 30.000 hits, sweetheart - I love your blog! :)

Hugs, your friend Marte

Anonymous said...

Your card Nikki is marvellous!! It's a beautiful idea to make a pink card to send to someone special to put a smile on their face.
I will make a pink card and I will show it to you.
Have a great evening,

Manu said...

Oh a beautiful candy, your card is so pretty! A Dream! I will link you on my Blog! Hugs Manu

DawnMarie said...

Your card is beautiful Nikki as always, I already have the penguin on my blog, well done on your hits, I can understand why you've had so many cos your cards are gorgeous. DawnM.x

Anonymous said...

Whoohoo... congrats Nikki :)
Lovely candy too and I'll be putting up the alert quick smart.

Hugs, marlene x

Anonymous said...

What awesome cnady! Thanks for sharing. I have added a link on my blog as well. Hugs :-)
~Lacey Stephens

Heike's Creativeplace said...

Congratulation, Nikki for 30.000 Hits......Your Card is so cute and adorable i Love the Color Pink so much, and the New Magnolia Image is so wonderful.......

I post your Candy on my Blog, thanks for the chance to win this wonderful Price. Maybe i have luck :-))......


Suzanne said...

Wow - gorgeous candy. It makes a nice change to give us something to think about too. I have smiled at my mother-in-law, told my partner I love himand given the kids a huge hug. I have a great friend who I don't see very often and since she doesn't have access to the net, I am going to make her a card now and post it tomorrow. Also, I have put the logo on my blog. Thank you so much for giving us the chance to win this but also for making us think for a moment

Pam's Pride said...

Linked you up to my blog with the penguin icon! Thank you for entering me!

Lena Katrine said...

What a cute candy - for a good cause!

I`ve linked up the cute penguin in my blog here!

Jills Scrappy Daze said...

Hi Nikki, congratulations on reaching 30,000 hits although im not surprised your blog is fab. As a student nurse i have looked after many patients with cancer and more awareness is needed. Will definatley have a go at adding the little penguin to my blog.
Thanks for the chance of winning some gorgeous 'pink candy' (my favourite colour)

Love n Hugs

Jill x x

Kristine said...

Your card is adorable Nikki!! I didn't know Magnolia came out with Pink Magnolias. I do already have a different button--prolly not as cute as this penguin (maybe I'll switch it out!) and it takes you to that site. Thanks so much Nikki!!

Anonymous said...

Congrats on 30,000 hits! I have really enjoyed your blog:) Great blog candy!

Diane said...

Beautiful card! I have a cancer awareness on my blog already, but am glad to add another!!! am doing it now and promoting your candy!! Thanks for sharing!!

Lilian said...

Congratulations Nikki! Wow! that's fast. Lovely card and lovely cause. I don't think I can make a pink card fast enough since I'm swamped making Halloween ones. I'll try though.

Elaine Greenwood said...

What wonderful blog candy. I would love the opportunity to win my first magnolia stamp. I will try to place a link on my blog. I am just in the process of getting it up and running.

You do such beautiful cards. Thanks for the chance to win.


Kim said...

Love your beautiful card and what fun candy you are giving away! I would be honored to win this...Breast Cancer Awareness is BIG in my my MIL is a survivor of breast cancer...she is in remission 6 years now! Seeing how this disease touches so many friends is hard, and I want to send many hugs to you with the loss of your Nan! :)
Hugs~ Kim

Rach said...

Hi nikki,
just wanted to say your card looks awesome..big hugs rachxx

Anita said...

Congrats so much on your 30 000 hits!! And this candy is really so nice! I mean, who else could come up with a candy AND for a good cause?? You're just great, and thank you so much for all the nice comments you leave on my blog, they really bright up my day!:) I've written about your candy o my blog, here.

Have a wonderful day!!

Murielle said...

HI Nikki,
Congratulations for 30 000 hits.
Thanks for your marvellous blog candy!!
Your card is stunning!!!!!
I love littles details and colours.
Have a good day.
Big hugs, mumur
Here your blog candy.

Ann Hedvig said...

I think this is a great way to spread the awarness of pink ribbon.

Your pink card is sooo cute :o)

COCO said...

Congratulation Nikki for 30 000 hits, your card is very stunning !!!!
thank you for fab blog candy !!!

ribenaruby said...

Love visiting your blog. What brilliant pink candy all for a great cause. Post and link is on my blog.
My creations are here and here .

Toni said...

congratulations and wonderful candy and a worthwhile cause thanks for offering it up xxx

Šolanje na domu-Waldorf said...

Very nice of you to include such a great couse in your candy. I left a link to your candy on my BLOG as well as the pinguin and link to the Breast Cancer Awareness website. Thanks for the chance to win.

x Natasha x

Jami said...

What an adorable card with the little pearl necklace!! congrats on your 30k hits!! Wow! What a great cause - I'll add this little penquin right now!!
hugs, Jami

Bubbles said...

Congratulations Nikki 30,000+ hits that's amazing, well done!
Your pink candy is fabulous and the card you have made is beautiful, what a lovely image.
I've just added a pink card on my blog!!!
I passed the penguin on a while ago I got it from Rach but will pass it again as it is so worth it!
Joanne x

Mephisto said...

What a great Idea.

Here is my pink Card.

Heather "Hev" said...

Congratulations on a super milestone!!!

A wonderful blog candy up for grabs and anyone would be lucky to win.

Thinking of all of those touched by this disease.

cats whiskers said...

Hi Hun what fabulous candy yes please let me win!!!!!!!!
I think your pink card is a brilliant and worthwhile idea hun. I have made a pink card and linked your candy,
you can find it HERE
lots of hugs Jaacqui x

Natalie said...

Gorgeous card Nikki for such a great cause. I have added a link on my sidebar. My MIL has suffered from breast cancer twice and my huband's grandma so it is a cause close to my heart. Thanks for the chance to win such great goodies.

Natalie x

Alyssa S said...

Lovely candy! Thanks for the chance! Sorry about your grandmother - mine was diagnosed with breast cancer at the age of 89. We are lucky to still have her at 91.5! :o) lyss

Anonymous said...

Beautiful card and gorgeous blog candy. Thanks for a chance to win. I put the little penguin (along with the link) on my blog and I also put the link about the candy in my "blog candy alerts", on the right side of my blog. Congratulations on so many hits.
Have a great day

Tracey said...

So generous of you to give such gorgeous candy but what a worthy cause, one of my best friends is a breast cancer survivor so it is close to home for me.
I have added the little penguin to my 3 blogs and will pop back later in the week with a pink card.

Thanks again

hugs Tracey xxxx

Denise said...

What a great card. I will post your candy on my blog. I am new to blogging so I don't know how to copy the penguin. I don't know how to show the link to my blog either.

Donna said...

Hi Nikki, Just wanted to show you my Pink card, its going to a blogging friend who lost a friend to cancer this week, hope your well. Donna x

Jilly said...

Love the blog candy Nikki and such a great cause. I have had a lot of close family members who have had breast cancer. Banner is added and linked on my blog and you can find my pink card HERE

Jilly said...

Great blog candy and such a good cause. I have had quite a few close family members that have had breast cancer. Banner added and linked on my blog and you can find my card HERE

kc_froglady said...

What a wonderful way to promote the Awareness campaign! I added the info to my blog today you can see it here.

Anonymous said...

Wowww, great Blog Candy.
Thanks for having the chance to win this great Candy.
Hugs Ivi

Kerttu said...

congrats on your 30,000 hits.
Love your candy;)

Nixe-Moni said...

Hi Nikki,
what a gorgeous and so cute candy -for a good cause!
Congrats to all your hits!! and thanks for the chance to win ...
I`ve linked up your great candy here

Anonymous said...

Hi Nikki! Gorgeous card and lovely blog candy!

Have linked to you in this post:

I'll be posting my "Think Pink" card early next week when I get back from a weekend away. :)

Patricia said...

Great initiative! I place the pink pinguin on my blog!

with love,

Anonymous said...

Love the card and congratulations on your 30,000 hits. A cousin has just had a mastectomy and I am going to start my screening early so every penny to this deserving cause is precious.
Thanks Nikki and would you please enter me in the draw, I dont have a blog. Christine x

ChrisaBella said...

The blog candy is awesome. I will definitely be adding the penguin to my site. My mom is a mamo tech so I know how important Oct is for breast cancer awareness. Thanks.

Amy said...

HI Nikki

The penguin is not only very cute but he also serves a purpose. I put him on my blog straight away. You words were very touching so I did a bit of a quote too of what you said about doing a nice thing for someone you love or a friend. I will be sure to make a few pink cards on the weekend!


Tanya said...

This is a great thing you're doing for your blog candy! I added the penguin, I've seen him and wondered how to do it, finaly figured it out!

Also, you've only been stamping for less than a year?!! WOW! You are really good at it!!! I love your creations and your coloring! Wow.

Anyway, thanks and if I get to make a pink card soon I will link that too!

Anita said...

What yummy blog candy. I posted a link on my blog.

Marlou McAlees said...

hi Nikki, such a terrible disease cancer and im sure we all know or have lost someone to this awful cancer. I will link up the penguin, no problem and thank you so kindly for a chance to win, hugzz xx

Helena said...

Fantastic card love it!!! Also what a worth while cause! I have added the little penguin to the sidebar in my blog with the link!!!

And the idea of just giving someone and RAK, sounds so good, I am going to try and get that one done!


Anonymous said...

Oh dear Nikki,that's a great idea,as you know my mother died 4 months ago,she had a cancer too,I'll make a pink card as soon as possible
I'll put your link on my blog too for the blog candy
Have a nice day

BojaMoja said...

My mother is a breast cancer pacient. We hope, that treatmant is helpful and that she will be OK.

Great candy.

Bunny B said...

Congrats on your superb hits! :) Keep it up!
I've also blogged!

bunnybx at gmail . com

Papirolina said...

gorgeous candy and nice text!
i left a link on my candy list.


Sena said...

Sweet stuff! I have you linked:
Thanks so much! x

Gill said...

wow Nikki, congratulations on your 30,000 hits and thanks for offering fab candy to raise awareness of breast cancer, I've linked you in my sidebar and I've made a pink card which I hope to post later
have a great weekend
lv Gill x

Lana Clarke said...

Nikki this is such a wonderful idea for a great cause. My grandma also died a couple of years ago to ovarian cancer and then my dad had prostrate got cleared then it came back with a vengance in his stomach! Although he was really ill and very near death he pulled through thankfully. Cancer affects so many of us so it is very important to keep everyone aware and never take anything for granted especially our lifes!
Lana x

Roberta said...

Hi, I'm Roberta, I'm italian and I think you had a beautiful idea.
I go immediately to post your post (eh eh) on my blog....
Bye Bye

Michele Roos said...

Many congrats on the number of hits. Well done for the breast cancer awareness theme. I've already had my penguin on my blog for a few weeks now. I lost my mum last year to cancer and I know how your world gets turned upside down with this horrible disease :( I've posted on my blog about your candy.

Michele x

thread-bare said...

Wow what an achievement, 30,000 hits. Well done & what a wonderful blog. Love your blog candy & have put a link on my blog xx

Manuela said...

Congratulation to 30000 hits !!!

The prize is beautiful.I have link it on my blog. :)

Carol said...


I've adopted a penguin, - many thanks.
I can't think of anyone who I know who hasn't had a loss of a loved one to cancer .... hugs to all in need

LOTCP said...

The penguin will def. go on my blog! My Mom died of cancer 3-1/2 years ago. I had a new baby girl and it was so hard to watch my Mom want to hold her but didn't have the strength to.

Jyotsna said...

I've just put the pinguin on my blog!

and thanks for givingus the chance to win this beautiful candy!

Best regards

6 wacky women said...

Beautiful card and wonderful cause. This is a cause very close to my heart also. I have a card on my blog...Oops Ellie if you would like to use it.
Have a great day!

Nicola said...

This is a cause very close to my heart. I know both survivors and those that lost their fight. I have put your little penguin on my side bar and linked him to the cancer website. I am sorry I don't have more time on my hands to do more.


Anonymous said...

thank's for the chance to win!!
wonderful blog!!

Debbie said...

Hi Nikki
I Have posted a message about your candy and, more importantly, about Breast Cancer,I also hope to make a Pink card this weekend,
Big Hugs Debbie x

Clycclac said...

It's a beautiful card and it's a very great cause. Thank you very much !!
I've add your link on my blog here:

Mascha Zimmerman said...

This is so great, thanks for doing this Mascha

Agnes van Hensbergen - agnesstampcards said...

Wow 30.000 hit's congratulations,i've make a link of my blog .

Hugs agnesxxx

angeljakki said...

What a loveyl card you have made Nikki. stunning as always x x x

Anonymous said...

Congratulations for 30 000 hits

tracie said...

Hi Nikki, congrats on 30,000 hits and what fab candy and such a worthy cause.
Of course I had to make a Pink card you can find it on my blog.
Love your card, its gorgoeus !!
Have a great weekend
Tracie :)x

Catherine said...

Congrats on your hits and your card...gorgeous, love the pearls :)

Anonymous said...

Congratulations for your 30.000 hits and for this blog candy for a worthy cause. I've posted on my blog about your candy. And I'll make a pink card of course !
Hugs ! See you soon !

Karin said...

Hi Nikki,

congratulations on that many hits.
And what a great candy too.
I made a post about your fabulous candy.

xoxo Karin

Stampin'Piper said...

What a wonderful Candy! I have is little Penguin on my Blog and linked your Blog.

Hugs Tanja

Unknown said...

Hi Nikki, Beautiful card you made for the pink ribbon. The little penguin is joining my blog now:

My Blog

Hugs, Marcha

Paula's ponderings said...

Finally managed to link you on my blog Nikki! HERE

Anonymous said...

Congrats Nikki, your pink card for this great cause is marvellous!! Congrats also for the girls who have made pink cards, they are all so gorgeous!!
Your blog candy is fabulous!!

Helena said...

Congratulation to 30000 hits ... I love your blog! :)
And a beautiful candy, your card is so cute and adorable!

Jenni said...

Congratulations on your 30000 hits - that's a phenomenal number! I have just started my own blog and can't imagine how long it's going to take me to get to that many hits!
Happy to take part in this, my sister is a breast cancer survivor. Have put the penguin onto my blog and will post a pink card as well.
Jenni x

Jeanette said...

Here are my Pink Ribbon Projects.
Hugs Jeanette

Tanja said...

Hi Nikki!! What a cute candy - for a good cause! I`ve linked up the cute penguin in my blog! Hugs, Tanja

Clare said...

Hi Nikki, still haven't used my dragon stamps yet but haven't forgotten them. They're great thanks. I will post on my blog your candy and the reasons behind it. I've already put the penguin on. I'm sorry to hear about your nan. Cancer is something that can affect anyone, at any age. I know firsthand, my son Tim had a blood cancer of the jaw in 2002. He's fine now, thanks to a brilliant dentist, a fab orthodontic specialist, an on the ball consultant and a fab hospital THE ROYAL MARSDEN. See my posts re their campaign for children and teenagers. Good luck with another 30,000 hits I hope. Keep up the good work. Spread the word. Hugs Clare xx

Merybi said...

Ciao sono italiana. il nio nome è Lilia, mi congratulo per il bellissimo traguardo.
Posto sul mio blog il logo.

Sarah said...

Cute card - and I love that your blog candy is for such a great cause!! Also, congrats on reaching 30,000 hits!! Thanks for the chance to win some blog candy!!

Jennifer said...

Congrats Nikki on the 30000 hits! Wow. I would love the pink goodies.

All's I can say is GO PINK!!!

Melissa Bove said...

Congratulations on 30,000 Hits!
I love your work!

Thanks for a chance!

Hugs, Melissa

Kelly Schelske said...

30 000 WOWEE girlfriend!! I have the cute little penguin on my blog already and am going to get you all linked up tomorrow...I am hoping to get a pink card done as well this week!! How very generous fo you Nikki!! Hugs, Kelly

Kelly Schelske said...

Ok, I must be going crazy...I thought I posted here, but anyway, I have the pink penguin, he is too cute reall and now I've linked to my blog as well...hope to get a card done this week too!!
Crafting Creatively: Fabulous Blog Candy Out There

Hugs, Kelly

Anonymous said...


The news in Franc eis over of the economic & finacial crisis...not a word for this sepcial month of breast cancer!

of course, i enjoy to pass the message on my blog:

congratulation fr your scrap work ;-)


Leonie said...

Great candy and I love it that you've made the combination with the Breast Cancer Awareness!

I've put the picture on the right on my blog!

~ Leonie ~

Jo said...

Fantastic candy Nikki and such a great cause. Thanks for giving us the chance to win it!

maxine said...

Fantastic blog candy and great cause. I have left a link on my blog.

Anonymous said...

I love your blog candy!! all is on my blog!

Sarah said...

This is close to my heart too, and i'm only too pleased to pop the penguin onto my blog and link back to you...

I made my card today... it can be found here : -

Anonymous said...

Hi nikki,
Congratulations for 30 000 hits

Pink Candy, you have super great start. Class

You have a beautiful blog. I'm really super excited you find a really great. Make more so.

I hope that my daughter as well as you can. Create you like.

With Love

Stinne said...

We all have to fight for stopping this ilnes. My freind is unfortunatly hit by Breastcancer, and can not be cured! :-) I have put a link to you on my danish blog!
Congrats for all the visitors on your blog!

Karen said...

My mom died of cancer and my neice has leukaemia so it's all close to my heart. However a friend who went to the Doctor as soon as she felt a lump is now a 3 year survivor so boob-squishing is highly recommended!
I've left a link to this post and a penguin on the right of my blog

Anonymous said...

Hi Nikki,

I love that card. I am a Breast Cancer survivor (1 year and counting). My mother died of Breast Cancer too so awareness is very important to me. Congratulations on the 30,000 hits and I would love to try and win your blog candy.

Beautiful work,


Linda Carson said...

Congratulations on your blog success! Your card is adorable! I have a step-daughter who will not survive breast cancer. This is a cause close to my heart. Thanks for keeping "the pink" in the spotlight.

Krystinah said...

What a great cause and the cutest card...I put a link to your blog candy on my blog....I love what your doing...Thanks for sharing with us...Kristina

Alice said...

Hi! Beautiful candy! I link you in my blog: under the section "Blog Candy". See you!

Lisa Olson said...

What a lovely idea and what a lovely blog, I will be happy to link the little penguin. My S-I-L has recovered from stage one breast cancer earlier this year she was just 31 when diagnosed.
Good luck with it all I will pass it on.

Frogs-n-Butterflies said...

Love your blog and what you are doing for breast cancer awareness! Super great blog candy! I have the penguin. Thanks for your inspiration!!!

Karen Brooks said...

What a gorgeous card!!! I love the image and how you colored it in - so pretty!!!

I'm sorry to hear about you losing your Nan 2 years ago. I have been very fortunate to not encounter breast cancer in our family but it is always on my mind. I always tell my daughter to make sure no matter what to check herself and if anything feels out of place to please tell me so we can get it checked.

I am adding the penguin to my blog today and appreciate the opportunity for the prize package!!!

Escape said...

Lovely blog candy and a great cause. Check out my blog candy, Prismas perfect for colouring in!

I will add the penguin asap


Shelly said...

Hi Nikki! I'm all for spreading the word about Breast Cancer Awareness! I've had the penguin on my blog for a while, and I'll also put a link to your blog. Thanks for offering this fab candy. Congrats on your 30,000 hits, what an achievement! xx

Claudia Rosa ~ Pretty Pressings said...

i will tell about your blog candy on Wednesday.
Tomorrows posting will be longer and i am afraid you candy will go under unnoticed.

you do not have to add my name into the drawing i am happy to spread the word for you on my blog

Anonymous said...

Hi Nikki, I just posted a non-traditional Pink Christmas card. This is my entry for your pink card and you can check it out at

stampingtink said...

How generous of you and congrats on the 30,000 hits! I hate this disease and have gladly put the penguin on my blog with a link to your candy and the Breast Cancer Awareness site. Let's get this out of this world! Here's my link:

Gill said...

Hi hun, I have finally uploaded my pink card on my blog to join in your campaign to raise awareness
hope you are well and having a fab half term
lv Gill x

Leslie said...

I have to say that I just completely love your site. And even though I found you because of your blog candy, I will continue to come back because of your warmth and your incredible creativity. I too have a son that had cancer, he went into remission but lost his battle anyhow due to kidney failure. I will add your site and your penguin to my site. I am sorry about your Nan and am happy to pick up the banner for the cause!
Hugs to you from Ohio, Leslie

Winxy Escapes said...

I love your cards and I support your cause! and I am sorry to hear about your nan I will def spread the word!

eba said...

Hi, I have made a post in my blog about your candy, and posted the penguin...

This is really a great way to do a candy. I am sure we all know someone who battles cancer or have passed away, so it is good to bring attention to it. Let's hope and pray a cure will be found for all cancer in the future!

My post about your candy is here.

Heather D. ~ Fresh Brewed Designs said...

This is a great cause and such a sweet idea for you to add it to your candy!!! I am sending cards off to the breas cancer survivers this year and will continue to do so every year. thanks for this post!!

retiredheather said...

Congrats on your total hits. I love your card. I have tried to put the penquinn on my blog but no luck.

Dawny P said...

All done Nikkie - great candy btw and congrats on your awesome hittage darlin. Well done and I think it's a great idea to promote the penguin lol xxxxxx

Danielle said...

Gorgeous pink card Nikki. This is my first visit to your site but I love it so will definitely be back for more! Well done on creating so much awareness - my grandmother too passed away from breast cancer so I will certainly be adding the penguin to my blog. Keep up your great work and inspirational words!

Sivic said...

Here in Norway the shops sell pink ribbons, everything helps !!
Cute card - and I love that your blog candy is for such a great cause!
A big smile and a lot of hugs from Norway!!

Heidi Kimmerly said...

My mom passed away from cancer a few years ago. It IS a terrible disease and I pray the find a cure for it. Thanks for the opportunity to win some blog candy!

Melissa said...

What wonderful candy, and such a great cause! I'll be adding the penguin to my blog in a bit.

Congrats on 30,000 hits!

Jacilynn said...

What a wonderful cause! I'm so happy that you are using your blog candy to raise awareness. Thank you. I posted penguin on my blog.

Cynde said...

Great Pink card! For a great cause. My grandma had Breast Cancer also, but survived. I am sorry for your loss.
Your girls are precious....They look so cute in the picture.
Thanks for bringing more attention to Breast Cancer!

Diane.W. said...

I havelinked you to my blog & made a pink notebook HERE TFL :O)X said...

Hola soy de Mèxico me siento feliz de poder participar q hermoso Blog Candy hiciste te deseo lo mejor y tus princess estan bellisimas
agregue a mi lista de blog candy tu Blog
espero eso valga para participar y en poco tendre ya el link del pingüinito
Besitos a Montones said...

i cant add the penguin
i dont have any idea how i can do it

idaws said...

I love to win this candy. it was beautyful :)

bb's forunderlige verden said...

My first visit to your blog, it's a very great idea to give your blog candy away in the name of breast cancer. The penguin is in my blog, and a link to your blog.

Anonymous said...

we lost my Dad to Cancer 15 years ago and recently have lost a brother, and have a sister with colon cancer. We support every fund raiser for cancer research in our community. Thanks for doing such a great job of promoting Breast Cancer awareness. Ann Lind

Anonymous said...

Off course id like to win that wonderful blogcandy. And here is my link to my page:

HUGS! Daniela

Line:) said...

Congrats on your 30.000 hits! I have posted the little penguin, and link him up, too.
Very cute card...sweet as candy:)

Sande said...

Congratulations for the 30,000 hits!! I keep my fingers crossed :) Here is my entry

Anonymous said...

hola!!! i´m paola, i live in argentina and d´ont speak english...your blog is very very nice!!! congratulations!!!! te invito a visitar mi blog...

?? said...

congrats on 30 000 hits...
i would like to enter the blogg candy and have linked to you in my blogg.
Big hug

Karin said...

Hi Nikki,

i just to had to make the pink card.
I've posted it on my blog.

big hugs,
xoxo Karin

Anonymous said...

what a great idea for blog candy. Great ideas and thanks for the wonderful ideas you give us. I have added a link to my blog for you.
Thanks for the chance to win and HUGS!

Lillian said...

Congratulations with 30.000 hits! :)
I think it is a good thing you are doing - using your 'achievment' to kind of front the breast cancer awarness month.. My father was operated to days ago for cancer (of course not breast cancer...! ;-)) - he is still at the hospital - and I hope he'll soon recover!

I will also follow your solicitation to smile to people, and I'll start to send a big smile to YOU! :)
Have a beautiful Thursday!

hjemme bra said...


I have written about your blog candy in my blog. And have posted the penguin with a link to the Breast cancer awareness website.

I also want to say that your cards are beautiful! Can't belive you just started stamping in February!

Arianne said...

Hope I'm still in time to enter.
Love your idea of giving away some Pink Ribbon-candy.
I spread the word on my blog!

just me....lynn said...

wow love the candy and thanks for raising awareness!!

Anonymous said...

I saw your site on my friends Blog and cound't turn my head away.. My niece was just treated for breastcancer . She had the chemo's and radiation . She is doing finenow but still has to go for her check-ups.. So thanks for the awareness..

HUGGGZZZZZ / Knuffels Colinda

Just call me G said...

Hi Zoe

I am a last minute entry into your blog candy as I have been off the pc for a little while.

I havent uploaded the penguin but do permenently have an image on my blog about being breast aware. :D

You will find my card entry on my blog.

Congrats on your hits... its easy to see why..

Thank you


Blaack Sheep Designs said...

I’ve linked to you here! Thanks for this awesome opportunity!