Wednesday, 10 September 2008

NOW CLOSED - BLOG CANDY 20,000 hits! - Closing Date "Wednesday 17th September 6pm GMT"

Oh Wow, I cannot believe that it is only two months since I celebrated 10,000 hits and that I am back again to celebrate 20,000! I want to thank all my friends and visitors for all the wonderful comments you leave and it really means so much. Without this blog I would have not met some really great ladies who I now regard as friends.

To thank you I have the below prize to send to one lucky winner. All I ask is that you leave a comment on this post and also post a link on your blog to help spread the word about my candy. If you are new to my blog and would like to subscribe to my newsletter that would be great too.You will also be kept up-to-date with any High Hopes news and release information. Just enter your email address in the box in the right column.

My prize includes the gorgeous 6" x 6" Basic Grey paper pad "Figgy Pudding" and the so cute High Hopes Stamp "Snow Sweet Snowlady" with "Glorious Day" Script. A perfect addition to your Christmas stash. All of these lovely goodies have been used on my card today too. My Snowlady glistens in real life as she has been washed over with sakura stardust but this didn't show too well in the photo. I also stamped the poinsettia flower again, cut out and layered to give a 3d effect. Do you like the little heart button..? This was rescued from one of Danni's little pair of jeans when she grew out of them.

You have until Wednesday 17th 6pm GMT to enter. At this time one of my girls will pick the winning name by lucky dip.
Good Luck!

UPDATE: Before you go Crissy also has sound fabulous High Hopes blog candy up for grabs too. She is giving you the chance to win Max the Magnificent - the little circus trainer holding the hoop with saying "You're a class act". What you waiting for... rush on over! Don't forget my earlier post below too and these cute circus characters are Project Of The Month stamps. You can purchase this set from the website for the whole month of September, at 25% off the regular price!

If you don't have a blog please don't feel you can't participate and email me your details so you can be entered into the draw. I will ship the prize worldwide.



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Dawny P said...

Congrats Nikkie. That's fantastic going girl xxx Will pop a link on later today xxxxxx

Lilian said...

Congratulations Nikki! Lovely coloring and cute cute card - time flies so fast and it's almost Christmas. The button is very cute too!

Linanna DESIGNS said...

Hi Nikki
Congratulations on your 20,000 hits, but im not surprised with such an inspirational blog. Have linked you here
Hugs Linda

eba said...

Congrats, Nikki! I can totally see why your blog is so popular! Your work is stunning, and this Christmascard is no exception! And I am so amazed at your faithfulness in leaving comments in my and probably "everybody" elses blog!
I'd very much like to parttake in your blogcandy, I'll make sure I make a link in my blog today.
Have a great day!

wintersparkle said...

Hi your blog is on my blog hopping list and I got 3 of the snowmen stamps from high hopes in the post yesterday, not got time till at least saturday to play tho boo hoo, keep up the good work I always check out your blog for inspiration xx

Rach said...

wow Nikkie that many hits the card it looks wonderful hugs rachxx

Beth said...

Ooh, I've loved these papers from afar! I've left a post for you on my blog, thanks for the chance to win and big congrats on the 20,000 hits! xx

Unknown said...

congratulations nikki to so many visitors. your blogcandy is really wonderful!!!
thank you for your lovely coments in the last time.
hugs, bea

Lainy's Little Blog said...

Well done Nikki! Gorgeous card and fab candy. Off to post on my blog and help spread the word. You know how much I love your blog! Hugs, Lainy xxx

Diane.W. said...

20,000!!! Congratulations!
I linked you on my blog,the candy is fantastic!!!! :o)x

lalalla said...

here is my entry

great blog candy:)

Andrea said...

Congratulations Nikki!!
Oh wow, i love the snowman from HHS! Thanks for the chance to win this fantastic candy. I post it on my blog.
Hugs. Andrea

Anonymous said...

congratulations Nikki,you've got a fantastic blog,you know I really love your work
I 'll post your link on my blog now
for your great candy

Annie said...

aww this is just the cutest little snow-person and I love how you did an extra poinsettia layer on her hat. I would certainly love to win her, well I'm saying her anyway! annie x

Zarah said...

Sooo sweet of you - and what a LOVELY kit!! Off course I linked both in English and in Swedish!


flatis stempelwelt said...

Congratulations Nikki!
Lovely card with beautiful coloring.
The little snowman is so it (o:
Thanks for the chance to win this fantastic candy.

Hugs, Sonja xxx

Pati said...

Dear Nikki!

As you might know, my husband and myself will be soon leaving for our long journey to Australia (5 months) and this is the reason why I won't participate, eventhough I like your blog candy very much.
Congratulations to 20'000 hits. That's amazing!

BIG hugs and take care!

Sharon said...

Congrats on reaching 20,000 hits. Would love to go in the draw for the candy.


PS: loved your piece in this months Craft Stamper

Deb said...

Yey Nikki! congratulations on 20,000 hits! Fabulous blog candy on offer, the stamps are gorgeous and Figgy is my fave BG Christmas paper! Love the card you made with them!
I linked you on my blog ~

Lauren said...

Fantastic Candy and Blog! There is a link on my sidebar!
Thank You
Lauren xx

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Nikki!
Frosty the snowman is so cute and the card you made is beautiful!

Liza said...

I love your card. I think the snowman is so cute. Congrats on your number of hits and thanks for the chance to win.
Liza x

Cindy Haffner said...

Hi Nikki, love your swet snowman, congrats on 20,000 hits, isn't having a blog fun.

Anonymous said...

Love your card Nikki, it's so cute and I'm sure the glitter looks stunning IRL. Fab blog candy...I'll go and add it to today's post.
Carole ;-)

Line said...

Congratulations on your hits Nikki! It is well deserved:)
I'll put in a comment about your blogcandy in my blog. Wonderful card as always :)
Hugs, Line

jjcreations said...

This is a wonderful little snowman!!!! Great card, Nikki. Joan

Jeanette said...

Oh...Congratulations Nikki. 20,000hits! Amazing! But really, your blog is a joy to visit so I,m not surprised you have so many visits. I have posted a link to your candy on my blog! Big Hugs Jeanette

wendy peatross said...

Congrats on so many blog hits. I love to check out your cute projects.

ribenaruby said...

Congratulations! I enjoy visiting your blog to see your lovely cards. So talented. I 've put a post and link on my jubbly candy list.

Debbie said...

Well done Nikki...I'm not suprised though because you work is brilliant! Your card is beautiful and I love the cutes snow lady image. I have posted a link to your Blog Candy. Debbie x

angeljakki said...

Lovely card nikki, well done on so many hits that awesome. x x x

Nicola said...

Congratulations on your hits. Your blog is awesome. I love coming to visit.

Gonna link you on my blog.


The Country Rose said...

Congrats again Nikki on 20,000 hits- that is awesome!! I posted your candy on my blog. What a really cute, cute stamp set!!! Thanks for the opportunity to win this adorable set :).


Becky said...

Wow! What a gorgeous card and candy Nikki! Cingratulations on 20000 hits!!
Love Becky xx

TinaJewel said...

I love Christmas so therefore I LOVE your card! Would love to win this!
I subscribed to you with my Google RSS feed reader and linked to you on my Giveaway Blog, too.

Karin said...

Hi Nikki,

congratulations on with your 20,000 hits. I'm not surpised, because you are such a inspiration for a lot of ladies (including me).

I love the candy you are offering.
I'll make a post about your candy first thing tomorrow.

xoxo Karin

Pejtoon said...

Graet job Nikki :)
Your blog and cards are so fantastic :)

So there is a note about your Candy:

I hope I will have luck :)

Karten-Stempel-Chaos by Inge said...

Congrats, Nikki! Great blog and great blog candy. thanks for th chance to win


Debbie said...

Hi Nikki
What fab candy congratulations on reaching 20.000 hits it's no wonder your blog is Amazing.
Hugs Debbie x

Anne said...

Congrats on reaching 20000 so quickly although I'm not surprised as it's a great blog. Would love to win the candy cos it's great too x

mueppi said...

Congrats Nikki, to 20.000 Hits!
Your blog is great!!!
Here is the link
Thanks for the chance to win!
Hugs Gisela

Anonymous said...

such a Christmasy snowman! love it!
I subscribe to your blog in the google reader...thanks for all the inspiration!

Kat said...

Congratulations on you 20,00 hits, that's awesome :)

Gorgeous card and great Candy

Turid Mari said...

I love this card, Nikki :)
The shimmery snowman is supercute :) And great colouring!!
Congraulations on your 20.000 hits :)

Big hugs!!

Anonymous said...

Congrats Nikkie, your blog is wonderful and give me a lot of inspiration.

Hugs, Ankie

Annelies said...

Congratulations on the hits! Here's my link. Thanks for a chance to win! Greetings from Belgium, Annelies

Fiorella said...

WOW! 20.000 hits! Congratulations and thanks for the blog candy...although I don't have one may I partecipate?
Hugs from Italy

The Crafty Den said...

Well done Nikki on reaching 20,000 hits. Wow it will take me forever to get to that!! Love the candy, fingers crossed, toes crossed, everything crossed that I'll be lucky! ;) Lots of love, Denise x

Agnes van Hensbergen - agnesstampcards said...

Wow Nikki 20.000 hits congratulations!!!!! You have a great blogcandy i loves snowmans.
I set a link on my blog.
Loves Agnesxxx

Sinikka said...

WOW, Congrats Nikki.
This is really great!!!
Soon you will have 30.000 hits
HUgs Sinikka

Sofia said...

20,000 hits that´s not bad at all. The card is so cute!

Kim Dellow said...

Oh that is just the cutest, what a lovely card and well done on the hits. Thanks for the go at the candy. Kimx

Kristine said...

Hi Nikki!
Wow what a great prize youe offering to celebrate 20 000 hits!
No wonder you have so many visitors with all those lovely cards on your blog;)
I posted about your candy on my blog.

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the hits.... and thanks for this opportunity to win this great stamp.
See my link at - where I gave you a shout out...

Unknown said...

I like the snowman, he is so cute :)
I have wrote about the blog-candy here:


Tricia said...

What fun blogcandy! I'll go post a link now!

Ali said...

Hi Nikki,
Congrats on sooooo many hits.
Thanks for the chance to win such lovely candy.
I put a link on my blog Here

Else Slipsager Petersen said...

Congratulations on 20000 hits. love your blog so I always visit it when you have updates.

Anonymous said...

gratz on all the hits and thanks for giving away such a sweet candy!

link is on my blog!

Mariska said...

Congratulations on your hits! 20.000 that's still a long time away for me :). Thank you for the chance to win I'll put a link to your blog later tonight, you will find it here.


tessa said...

Wrote aboute you in my blog! Hope I'm the lucky girl these stamps are awsome!!

Crissy Armstrong said...

Thanks for linking my blog candy contest, Nikki! I'll link yours too! Your Christmas cards are just amazing. You are so talented and so sweet too!
hugs, Crissy xo

Anonymous said...

I understan why you have so many hits, your cards are so beautiful:0)

Anonymous said...

congratulations to 20.000 :D that card is soo cute! :)
i will wright a link to your blog in a few moments


Atty said...

Hi Nikki..Congrats on your hits. That card you made is just adorable. That stamp set is just adorable. Really like all your creations. TFS

Susan Hackney said...

Congrats on the 20,000 hits! And I love the snowman and the wonderful card you created with him!
Susan H.

Trace Dee said...

Congratulations on the 20,000 hits. Your blog is fantastic and i love the hgh hopes stamps. will put a link on my blog now.


x x x x

*Sally* said...

Lovely blog, I can see why you have so many hits! Off to leave a link in my candy list!

Michele Roos said...

That is a gorgeous stamp I would love to get my hands on that. Congrats on the number of hits. I have posted on my blog about your candy here

Michele x

Bev said...

Congrats on your 20 000 hits Nikki, but I'm not surprised in the least! I love looking at your creations.

hugs Bev x

Wendalyn said...

Love your card absolutely gorgeous...

Chris said...

Hi Nikki, and I don't know you're surprised at 20,000 hits so quickly LOL, your blog is absolutely wonderful!!! Congrats anyway and such generous and lovely candy. I'll pop a link on my blog. Love your card and I think that the sentiment stamp is the most perfect I've seen, very cute snowgirl too and of course, superb colouring and design as always. Hugs, Chris xxx

sheffsue said...

Gorgeous blog candy and a lovely are now on my list.

Sue x

Cazzy said...

What lovely blog candy and I love the card you made too.

Wow 20k, what a lot of visitors! Congratulations.

I am going to put a link on my blog candy alert list now.

Ruby-dooby-doo said...

Congratulations Nikki - I'm not surprised you've had so many visitors, your blog is so inspiring.
Fab blog candy too!!!

Heike's Creativeplace said...

Congratulations Nikki, Wow 20.000 Hits that is wonderful. I look everyday on your Blog, you know i'm a Big Fan from your Creations. Thanks for the chance to win this wonderful Blogcandy :-)))

Big Hugs

Ruth (ooffee) said...

Gorgeous stamps! Off to put a link on my blog now!
Ruth x

kraftykizzy said...

Congratulations Nikki.
your blog is an inspiration to us all.
hugs karen

Marcea said...

Congratulations on reaching 20,000 hits. Wonderful blog!!! Have put a link on my blog here

Heidi said...

Nikki- oh another wonderful HH image, you did a great job on this once again! I just love these stamps- I need to pull them out and use them. When is enough enough? Yummy. I will post you on my blog.


Anonymous said...

Congratulations Nikki! It's no wonder that your blog has received so many hits in such short a period judging by the quality of your work. Superb! Figgy Pudding is my all time favorite paper and your two new stamps are adorable. What generous blog candy!

Suzanne said...

Wow Wow Wow and congratulations on your hits. This is just the best candy gorgeous. Sue :o)

Teresa said...

great card - i love your whole blog, so full of inspirational ideas! you are added to my list of fav blogs!

poupetteval said...

hello , congratulations for all the entries !!!!

your blog is such an inspiration for me !!!

thanks for the candy

Karrie said...

Good for you!! Your blog is just fabulous, and everyone knows it!! Thanks for the opportunity to win your generous blog candy!!

Kelly Schelske said...

Congrats on 20 000 hits Nikki!! Here is my card using your sketch, I also posted over at A Spoon Full...I also added your blog candy too:-)

I would like to thank you for your friendship, inspiration and the wonderful visits we have!! I love your it!!
Hugs, Kelly

Card Creations said...

Wow I love High Hopes....One of my favorite companies! Thanks for the chance to win!

vavo said...

Congratulations Nikki...

I love your blog and your cards... I don't write a lot because I'm very bad in English...

Scrap bizzzzzzzzz


Tindaloo said...

Congratulations! Great blogcandy :) I've linked to you in my blog :)

usafcole said...

Congrats! I don't have a blog but will spread the news by word of mouth. Thanks for a chance to win. I will sign up for you blog through my reader.

creative gal said...

I like your blog! I've just really gotten into blogging! Thanks for the chance to win some goodies!

Alyssa S said...

Great card! I love those High Hopes stamps...just haven't added any to my stash yet. Congrats on 20K and thanks for the chance! I've linked you on my blog too :o)

Maria Matter said...

20,000 wow, I was excited when I reached 5000! Congrats! Your card is absolutely lovely, what a wonderful snowlady!
I'll give your candy a shout on my Candy blogroll, check it out:
Joyful Stamper
and while you're there enter my candy!
Blessings, Maria

Anonymous said...

Cute Snowman!!

GabrielaD said...

I love that card. Adorable!

Thanks for sharing it with us.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your 20,000 hits. I am new to your blog but plan to come back often. Sorry I don't have a blog site. Thanks for letting me enter. Karen Skaggs

Chelsey said...

Congrats on 20K, and maybe in two months you be celebrating 30K! I love these images! adn would love to win them!


Bunny B said...

Congrats on your superb hits, Nikki!! :) I've linked!

Unknown said...

whaou thanks it so nice i hope i'll be lucky :)

Sivic said...

Congratulations on your 20,000 hits!!
I linked you on my blog,the candy is wonderful!!!
I like the snowman card, it's so cute : )
Siv Linda

Alice said...

Hello! I am Alice from Italy, thanks for the chance to win! The colours of card are special, I really hope to win!
I link you here in my blog:
under the section "Blog Candy"!!!

Murielle said...

waw...Nikkie!!congratulations.... I love your the card wonderful. hugs, Mumur

Bev said...

Wow Nikki you have done well. Love your card.
Have added a link to my blog.

Stampin'Piper said...

Congratulations for 20.000! This is a great Candy.

I've added a link at my Blog.

Hugs Tanja

debby4000 said...

Congratulations on your blog hits. I've linked you on my blog and would love to have those stamps coming my way.

Bastelfrosch's Kreativseite said...

Das ist ja ein süßer SChneemann!
Herzlichen Glückwunsch auch zu so vielen Besuchern.
Ein toller Blog.
LG Annette

Leanne said...

Wow congratulations on reaching 20,000 hits!

Stunning card - and fab candy! You're on my blog roll!!

Ellen, said...

Congrats Nikki!
Beautifull coloring

Nixe-Moni said...

Congratulations Nikki, on so many hits :))) and thanks for the chance to win a great candy.
I have linked your candy on my blog.
Big Hugs, Moni

Crafting Diva said...

Hi congrats on reaching 20,000 hits thats wonderful I have put a link on my blog for you thanks

Meike said...

Hello, congrats on reaching 20,000 hits and your Blog is so wonderful! Your cards - a dream!

Love, Meike

Gill said...

oh wow!, fabulous card you made, love those gorgeous stamps...congrats on your 20K and thanks for a chance to win this scrummy stash, I've linked you on my blog
take care hun
lv Gill x

Kathryn Callaghan said...

thanks for the chance to win
sweet candy!!
great blog

Lillemor Elfgren said...

Congratulations! Your cards are so cute!

Winxy Escapes said...

awesome! and how fun and your daughter is adorable!

i posted on my blog congrats!

Anonymous said...

Whoohoo, congrats on the hits hunnie, no surprise tho! love all your works!

Hugs, Marlene x

cats whiskers said...

Congratulations Hun, you know I love your blog so not surprised how quickly you have got to 20,000. Thanks for the chance to win this great candy, have linked you on my blog
Hugs Jacqui x

~Chris~ said...

Congrats on hitting 20,000... Your Blog is awesome... Thanks for the Chance to win some great Candy.. I have linked your Blog to mine

Anonymous said...

WOW, congrats on the hits!!! This looks like some terrific blog candy!!! Thanks

Scott Franson Photography said...

Congratulations, your work is just beautiful, love your coloring !
I've linked you on my blog.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on 20,000 hits on your blog. I am fairly new to stamping and I enjoy visiting your blog for ideas. Keep up the great blog. Thanks for the opportunity to win some blog candy.

Karen said...

I love both stamps and the paper! You have made a gorgeous card - great example of what can be done with them.
I have linked on the right of my blog (and I also have candy if you want more fun!)
Thanks for the chance :)

Jacilynn said...

Woohoo! Congrats! love your blog.

Digi Stamp Boutique said...

Fabby card the colouring and papers...and what a cute image.

Congrats on your blog hits - as this finishes on my birthday, it's only right I win..hee...xx

Jilly said...

Wow Nikki that is a fantastic amount of hit's. I've got a long way to go to reach that amount. Your card is fabulous as always and the blog candy is fab too. Oh to be able to win those fantastic stamps and papers. I have linked the blog candy to my blog

Pop's Cards said...

First time i have been, your cards are fantastic, i am sat here is awe, you are very talented love Pops x x x

Heather "Hev" said...

Congratulations on a super achievement :)

My family come from Chelmsford so it was wonderful to see that on your blog, dont know how I missed it before!

Have a wonderful day!!

Kristin said...

Congratulations and I love your blog! I will be back to visit and see more of your great work! Wonderful blog candy too! Posting your link now.....Kristin

Denise said...

Love the card and especially the sentiment. I work in retail so I see how much of the season has gone commercial. Thank you for sharing and offering the wonderful blog candy. Wish I had that talent.

Janet said...

Congrats on your 20,000 hits! I saw your link on Crissy's blog and thought I'd check it out. Nice! And thanks for a chance to win some awesome blog candy!

Anonymous said...

Love your cards. I will add a link to my blog for your blog candy at
Thanks for the chance to win such awesome blog candy and congrats on so many hits! Cheri

Lillemor said...

Mmmmm so many lovely cards! I surely will come back ond enjoy your blog!
Love Lillemor

Sharon in NE said...

I can see why you have had so many hits for a short period of blogging, you're very good. This particular card is adorable and the red heart button is absolutely the perfect finishing touch.

LAURENCE said...

I love your cards and your lovely Blog

Anonymous said...

Nikki - Thanks so much for the blog candy. I love your creativity and your work! I have just subscribed to your blog.


Heather said...

Hey Nikki, huge congrats yet again on a fab number of hits so soon! You deserve it your blog is fab. Will link you now and have subscribed to your blog via my feedreader! :)

Anonymous said...

Congrats and thanks for the chance to win. Here's a link to my blog,

Lena Katrine said...

Wow! Fantastic candy, and a great blog! I`ll put a link to your blog, in my blog!

Mae said...

I love it!!! So cute. What a great addition it would make. Thanks for the offer.


Lena Katrine said...

Wow, what a great candy! And what a nice blogg - I`ll link you up to mine for inspiration!

Riley said...

Very beautiful blog candy!!!
here's a link to my blog:
Rileys Dream Corner
Hugs Riley

Sam said...

Congrats on sooo many hits, am not surprised tho, your blog and cards are fab! Lovely blog candy, hoping to be lucky!! Am off to add a link on my blog.
Sam x

Eve said...

wow thats amazing how many hits you have had.
I have linked you to my blog, keep those fantastic cards coming

Donalda said...

OMG girl what awesome blog candy I do love HH stamps that is for sure.
Love your gorgeous creations dear. I have linked you to my blog dear

Anonymous said...

Adorable, just stinkin adorable. Figgy pudding is my favorite paper and I have been waiting for someone to get it in and that snowperson? How cute!

Unknown said...

Your creations are so gorgeous!! I am posting your blog to my website!!

God Bless you!!

Purple Princess said...

Congratulations! Your work is beautiful!

Heather D. ~ Fresh Brewed Designs said...

Amazing blog! I have seen your stuff.. and your face around .. but I cant figure out how I have missed it! Subscribing now and cant wait to see more of you:) Congrats on the # of visits to your blog.

Captain Crafter said...

Way to go, 20,000 hits!!!! I love your cat, she's beautiful.

Heather said...

Congrats on 20000 hits!!!! That is awesome!!!! Love the snowman stamp blog candy!!!! I'll mention you on my blog :)

RubyMay said...

I got so engrossed in your blog I almost forgot about the candy!
I'm not surprised so may people have popped in ....
Congratulations !

Anonymous said...

CONGRATS! I love that snowman, too!

Unknown said...


Congrats on 20000 hits!! Your blog and all your cards is lovely. Like your blog cany :)

Here`s a link to my blog:

Love from Tine

Elizabeth said...

Congratulations on the hits!!

my blog:)


Anonymous said...

Congratulations Nikki !! I love your realizations and your blog is so marvellous !
I 'll post your link on my blog now !
Hugs. Val.

Anonymous said...

Found your blog through Anna's.
You are now on my google reader blog list. Love your blog.

Card is so adorable. Love that snowlady!!

Pauline C said...

Congratulations Nikki - wow 20,000 hits is fantastic! Thanks so much for offering this blog candy - those stamps are just stunning and the basic grey paper is fab ... I've used it before and love it. I have linked to you from my blog and would be thrilled to be in your draw
Pauline x

Amanda said...

wtg Nikki. 20,000 hits ,wow!! I can see why though:)

Have left a post at my blog & subbed to your blog as requested.

Anonymous said...

I don't have a blog, but if I did I'd post a link. Please enter me for a chance to win the candy.

Petraso said...

Congrattulations N!
Love your blog! And want to be in your bloggcandy!

greatings from Sweden

Mette said...

That is a lot of hits but no wonder since you are a very talented lady. Been following your blog since I found it and also saw your article in Stamper UK.

I have left a note on my blog

And thank you so much for making such a kind offer of candy.

Anonymous said...

I too just started stamping cards in 2007, (August 2007). I have been trying to accumulate a few Christmas stamps/sets. Thank you for the providing the opportunity to win the "blog candy". The stamps are cute and so sweet!

Best regards,

Mary B.

craft mad Jenny said...

such great blog candy,
congrats on your hits,

Vibeke said...

I love your colouring!!! Beautiful card :)

Jenn said...

Congrats on all the blog traffic!

Jodi said...

Wow! Congratulations on hitting 20,000!!! That is terrific!! I love the set up of your blog! =)

Sharon Traynor Designs said...

Brilliant Nikki! Well done!. Love your blog and your card is fabulous. Will post a link on my new blog at
Here's to the next 10,000!


Jean said...

Congrats on the hits i have added you to my blog

Scrappy Doo 2 u said...

I love the card you made. The snowman is absolutely fABULOus!!!!
I'm new, but subscribing to your blog. Also posting on mine about your candy. I love the H2O's but haven't used them lately.

I hope that I getlucky enough to win such an adorable stamp!

Congrats on 20k and keep the beautiful creations coming.

Anonymous said...

I just love the snow lady. She's so cute. Thanks for the chance to win.

Gina said...

Congrats!!! LOVE that paper...and I linked you up on my blog Scrapping for Less.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations for your 20000hits!! Your cards are it's normal you have lots of visits!! You worth it!!
Your blog candy is marvellous!!
Hugs, Christelle.

Emilie said...

Thanks for this beautiful present, it's really wonderful!!
My blog is her:

Bye bye!
Hugs, Milie

Anonymous said...

Congratulations for your 20000 hits. You have a lot of fantastic cards, and this blog candy is perfect for this time of year when most of us starts to make christmas cards. I cross my fingers.

Sandra (the netherlands) said...

Hi Nikkie,
20.000 hits ...congratulations....
love the blogcandy you'll give away to celebrate. so of course I put a link to you on my blog and now i just hope and pray to be lucky :-))

Bubbles said...

HI Nikki, big congratulations to you on reaching/passing the 20,000 hits to your blog, it's no surprise as it and your work are amazing.
Now off to link your yummy candy on my blog.
Joanne x

Laura D. said...

Hi Nikki!

Wow what a great prize youe offering to celebrate 20 000 hits!

I posted about your candy on my blog.


Katja said...

Congrats on 20.000 hits and thanks for sweet blog candy.
Hugs, Katja

Leslie C said...

20,000 hits, congratulations! I love your blog candy.

Christine D. said...

Congratulations Nikki! well done!
Here is my link

Anonymous said...

Wow! Your blog just keeps on growing! Keep posting the wonderful creations. Congratulations on 20,000 hits!
I love the High Hopes stamps!

Angella said...

You have some lovely stamps to give away. Love the snowman.Have to join your Blog Candy.


Kelly L said...

Well, looks like my chances are SLIM, but hey, you have a terrific blog, so I would be honored to tell all of my friends/readers too! (and if I were to win -- added BONUS!) Congrats on the 20K hits!!! Going to my blog to post right now. :) Hugs, Kelly

BrendaLea, the Prpldy said...

Congrats on hitting the 20 mark so soon after the 10 mark. I posted at my blog...thanks for the chance. Love your cards...always so darned cute!

Anonymous said...

Cute, cute, cute, snowman card! Thanks for the chance to win!

Saz said...

Congratulation on 20,000 hits, lovely card sara x

?? said...

WOW 20 000 hits, congrats...

Love your blogg, and your work...
Hug from ellenk

Linda said...

20,000 Congratulations. The card is lovely. Linda

Julie.G said...

Congratulations on 20,000....Great blog the snowman...

here is the link to my blog...

Tori Wild said...

Congrats Nikki! I found your blog from Michelle (MommyTime)--- Your cards are gorgeous and I LOVE all of the adorable High Hopes images!

Kamaftut said...

Hi Nikki,

congratulations on with your 20,000 hits

best regards


Wilma said...

Congrats Nikki! You have such a wonderful blog it doesn't surprise me a bit that so many people love to come here!

Thank you and good luck on the next 100000!

I put a link to your blogcandy on my blog.

Hugs Wilma

Monique said...

Hi Nikki,

That's so sweet of you. I've put it on my blog :)).

Hugs and have a GREAT weekend !!

Ann Hedvig said...

What an awsome blog candy!

And I really love your cards, have signed up for your newslettter!

oheidia said...

20 000 visitors - thats a lot of people visiting your blog! But i understand why, you are really creative and makes wonderful cards. I will visit you again and you are in my blog list now!

Hug from Heidi (Norway).

Timetostamp said...

Love that snowman - so cute! Your card is great! Congrats on so many hits! I've put a comment about your blog candy on my blog!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, I just discovered your blog. What a sweet card and image. Thank you. No blog but I'll pass the info around. :)

Anonymous said...

félicitation pour ton initiative
superbe merci
voici mon blog


Emma Harrison said...

Congratulations Nikki on reaching 20,000! I love your latest card - that snowman is so cute. I've spread the word about your generous competition with a link onmy blog!


lisa808 said...

Nikki, congratulations on 20K hits. That is a lovely card and some great blog candy! I'm posting your candy on my blog. You can find it here:

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