Monday 19 January 2009

A letter to share with you

I wanted to share this letter with you from Tina's Uncle about the cards her Grandfather has started to receive. You can see my earlier post about this here.

Great Follow through with the cards. I was over at dad's tonight and the total is well over 40 cards so far. Germany. Ireland, Austria, Australia, Switzerland, England, Canada, Belgium,Scotland and Texas are some of the foreign countries heard from so far. Also Oregon, Washington, Virginia,Wisconsin, Kansas, Arizona, and California are represented. (I may have forgotten some I was doing that from memory...)
He's having a ball. The cards from your group are all really neat. All very unique, and well done.
And Many nice comments about you. Congratulations on a job well done!
Dad plans on writing a generic thank you with a little bit of history and a photograph of him and "HIS CARDS".
I'll take several pictures and make sure I get some good ones which I will forward to you. It probably will be a week or so to make sure we have all the cards in the picture.
This was a GREAT idea!

Love to you and all my grand nephews and grand nieces.
U Frank

Thank you so much to everyone who contacted me for Frank's address. I am truly grateful!

See you tomorrow with my Spoon Full card.

Big Hugs,


maddy hill said...

How lovely that your fellow bloggers did this ! I know from personal experince with my dad - who was very ill and was bedridden - practically a whole forum sent him not just cards but card making stuff and my what a difference it made to him ... he was overwhelmed by it all....

so well done to all the bloggers that help with cards ! How truly lovely and what a lovely story too !

Dawny P said...

This is what it's all about Nikkie. It's a really lovely story and such a nice thing to do.

And I just saw your other cards in the earlier post - wow they are fab and I see you've airbrushed them, you clever girlie. Love 'em chick xxxxx

bumblebee creations said...

awww... how sweet!! that is just so touching!!

Tracey said...

Thank you so much for sharing this Nikki!! I am so glad that Frank is enjoying them!! :)

Heidi said...

How exciting, all of us ladies are envious of this man! he has to be in heaven with all those beautiful handmade cards!

Kristine said...

Hi Nikki...that's sooo great that he's getting so much happy mail for his 88th!! I'm so glad Tina * YOU posted this and let us all share in making his day special!! :) hugsxx