Friday 26 February 2010

We have a winner!!!!

Thank you to everyone who entered my candy. I loved reading all your lovely comments and blogoversary wishes.

Using Random Org the lucky winner is Number 125 - Susan Mason!!!!!

Congratulations Susan, please email me to claim your prize :-)

Here are your random numbers:


Timestamp: 2010-02-26 12:50:53 UTC


☼ Cheryl* said...

Congrats Susan!!!!

TeenaBugg38 said...

Woo hooo congrats Susan!! Enjoy your goodies!!!

Anita said...

Hey, nice one Susan, congratulations :)
Warmest wishes

Sarah said...

Many congratulations Susan x

Sue said...

Whooo hooo, how lucky am I!!! I can't beleive it, pinch me,Oooh thank you so much Nikki, I can't wait to play with all my new goodies, (doing a little jig)! tee hee xxx

Wilfreda said...

Congrats Susan. You won some awesome goodies.

BettyBoop67 said...

Wow congrats Susan,
Thanks Nikki for doing this Sue xx

Tracy said...

Lucky Susan a derserved winner. Congratsg

Helen F. said...

So much crafty goodness...congrats to you, Susan!

Chrisd said...

Hurray to Susan!

~Tonya said...

Congratulations Susan!!