Wednesday 30 September 2009

Yay... a great reason to celebrate!!!!

My blog has now had over 150,000 hits!!! What better way to celebrate than to share a little candy with you... my friends and visitors. I have now been blogging and crafting for a year and a half and still loving every minute!!!! I have made so many wonderful friends.

The winner of my blog candy will win a £25 voucher to spend on goodies in my store Bunny Zoe's Crafts. I ship worldwide so everyone can enter! As a reader of my blog you can also use the coupon code - candy to receive 10% off an order placed before Thursday 1st October!!!

What do you have to do to enter my candy? Simply leave a comment on this post. Even if you don't have a blog you can still join in and leave your name on an anonymous post :-) Please help spread the word about my candy by telling your friends on your blog. Maybe if you are not a follower you would like to follow me too ;-)

My candy will close on Sunday 4th of October when I will pick a winner using Random Org. I will also have some HUGE news to announce very soon :-)))))) Oh I tell you I am about to BURST with excitement!!!!!



Beccy said...

Wow - congratulations Nikki - will put a link on my sidebar for you.

Hugs Beccy x

Moni said...

Waw congrats Nikki! Love candies, and your shop is awesome and blog too! I am your follower and I linked you on my blgo! Hugs,moni

Anonymous said...

Hi Nikki,

What a great way to celebrate, I have been trying to create a blog, but no luck sofar. Enjoying yours very much! Keep up all the nice work!


tracy said...

Hi Zoe congratulations on so many hits to your blog, and also on your marvellous success on your new online shop its wonderful.
thanks for a chance to win
tracy x

Sonja said...

Congrats Nikki!! Love your blog!!

Caroline said...

Great candy Nikki! I will be keeping my fingers crossed. Will link to your candy in my sidebar. Caroline x

Gosia said...

Congrats Nikki! Thanks for your candy.I'll put a link on my sidebar

~* Jay Jay *~ said...

Congratulations :) And thanks for offering this nice candy. I will add your banner to my candy jar now.

Jay Jay

SallyB said...

Hey Nikki...Congrats on having so many hits and having such a great blog!!! Love all your work!

Michelle said...

Congrats, Nikki!! Your hits are no surprise, your blog is fabulous! Keep up the amazing work!

Marja Sch said...

Congrats Nikki Thanks for this wonderful blogcandy. I will put it in the sidebar on my blog.Hugs Marja

Unknown said...

Hey Nikki,

Love to win some candy. Always like to visit your blog. As you know I am already a follower.
I am very curious about your big news.


Lena Katrine said...

Congrats Nikki!
And your candy offer is SO generous! I'll spread the words about it in my blog right away ;)

Hugs, Lena

eba said...

Congrats! I'm in! :) I've made a note about your candy in the sidebar of my blog. TFTC! :)

Terry said...

Wowie Nikkie that's ausum hun Congratulations with your so many many many hits on your blog, which is no wonder because you make beautifull cards hun. I will link your candy on the left side on my blog hun. Thanks for a opportunity...And I hope you will have many many hits in the future....Thanks
Hugs Terry

Tonniece said...

Hey there Nikki

CONGRATS on the hits.
Love your store and the AWESOME service and product,and I must say the SPEEDIEST delivery ever,(WOW)that's win enough, but thanks for the chance at another win.

Have a wonderful week

Unknown said...

Oh Nikki I could of done with this CANDY code earlier this week lol may have to pop back yet again lol super quick delivery and a wonderful personal service start selling distress inks and other vintage type stuff and I will never be away lol

No worrier re the £25 GV I wld love to win this so will put you on my side bar on my blog and when I finally get a card up (so busy with things other than craft doh) I will metion about your wonderful service

Love Dawn xx

Judi said...

OOOH, what a great blog candy! I have been enjoying your blog for quite some time, its one of my first "stops" of every day!

scrappyjacky said...

Congrats...and a really generous offer.

Mary J said...

I echo Michelle's comments - no surprise whatsoever! I know you work hard to keep us all interested and thx for doing that! Put an entry on my blog for ya..

Karen said...

Huge congratulations Nikki - you so deserve it. I can't wait to hear your news as knowing you it will be super exciting and good news for us all.
Karen x

Diamond Doll said...

Congraulations Nikki,UUUUM now i wonder what the HUGE news ia??????
I,m off now to link your candy on my sidebar.
Trish (-:

Maxine said...

Congrats Nikki!!!!!
I wish to be in your shoes someday....

theresa said...

congrats on the 150k hits nikki! well done u


Charlie said...

Great candy ... thanx for the opportunity to win!

terriavidreader (IN-USA) said...

Congrats on the hits! Fab job. I'll definitely put this candy on my sidebar!

Ila said...

Congrats on all the hits Nikki!!...You, your blog and creations are all it's no surprise..I've linked your Fabulous candy on my sidebar...TFS!!...Big Hugs, Ila

Amanda said...

Congratulations on your blogging success! It's no surprise with all of your beautiful creations. Best wishes and many thanks for the chance to win!

Julie Temple said...

Big CONGRATS! I am a follower, and will gladly link you! Thanks for the chance!


Christine said...

Congrats, Nikki, on your milestone!!! Your blog is fantastic and so I am not surprised that you are already there. I can't wait to hear your exciting news. I hope you will be able to tell us soon.
xoxo, Christine

Margaret said...

Congratulations. I don't have a blog but I did tell my friends that do. I love your blog and the work you do.

Donna said...

Congratulations on the hits! That's wonderful to do in so short a time. I follow your blog everyday through email and I've added your candy to my blog at Thanks for the chance to win!

Michelle said...

Congrats on the hit milestone! I can't wait to hear what the big news is....

Rosanne said...

Hi Nikki--congrats on your blog success! Here's to many, many more hits!!

daisy said...

wauw has it been so long alreaddy?! wauw i'll help you spread the woord!


ps: keep up the wunderfull work hun

Tanya said...

Congrats Nikki!!!
Thanks for the chance to win great candy!!!!

Claudine said...

WOOHOO!!! Congrats on all the hits! You create some amazing cards.

Dragonlady said...

Hi Nikki

Congratulations on so many hits and in such a short time. What a fantastic pressie to win too. I would love the chance, and know exactly what I would like to get!!!!Can you guess - Pink Studio stuff.

Fingers crossed

Ali x

Mervi said...

Congrats to you, and good luck for me;-))m

pst said...

Congratulations Nikki. I have added a link on my blog and hope it will help.

Squirrel x said...

Just awesome Nikki and many congratulations hun! And there's me getting excited because I might hit 4,000 by the end of September LOL! Fabulous blog hun, well done. Squirrel xx

Maria Therese said...

awsome candy!!t a link in my sidebar

COCO said...

WO Congratulations Nikki for your 150 000 hits !!!! wo woooooo !!!
big hugs COCO

roses_r_red_1 said...

congratulations! i read your blog everyday, its excellent! thankyou for the chance to win! sarah xx

Mandy said...

Hi hun, congrats on so many hits on your blo. Fab candy I could so easily spend a small fortune in you shop. My followers have reappeared so I am now able to follow you. I'll link your candy in my side bar
hugs Mandy xx

Redlady said...

Congratulations Nikki on your success.
I enjoy your Blog very much.

debby4000 said...

Congratulations Nikki and what a great candy.

Cathy said...

Congratulations on all your hits Nikki.
Fabulous candy (I love your shop!), and I have linked it in mmy sidebar.
Cathy xx

Nataša said...

Congratulations Nikki!
Thank you for the chance to win this candy. I've linked you to my sidebar.
hugs, Natasa

Anonymous said...

25 pounds to spend in your shop - heaven. Loved your shop ever since you opened. Thank you for your kind candy. Hugs, Mette

lisa808 said...

Congratulations on 150K hits!

Tanja said...

I love your blog and your store. I have I wish list for items in your store. Maybe it is good opportunity to get id for free ;-)
Thank you for giving us the chance to win that great candy.

I have put a link to your candy on my blog's side bar.

Best regards from sLOVEnia,


Lilly said...

Congrats on your 150,000 hits! That's great!
Thanks a lot and please count me in. ^^

ros said...

wow what awesome candy. love looking at ur gorgeous work here. congrats on all those hits :)

Anonymous said...

Hi - Congratulations! I love your blog and your shop and maybe one day will find out how to create a blog of my own as I love reading everyone else's. Crafty people are such nice people it seems...
I'll keep my fingers crossed and hope I win.

Unknown said...

Congrats on all your hits and thanks for the chance to win this great prize.

Jan xx

Penni said...

Congratulations Nikki. I've put a link on my sidebar for you.

Can't wait to hear your HUGE news!!!


Nannieflash said...

Congratulations Nikki, and thank you so much for the 10% off, I hope I will be by very soon, must have a look anyway. Please can I go into the draw for the biggy. Anyway well done and many congrats, with love and hugs Shirleyxxxxxxx

rudie2shoes said...

congrats on such a successful blog!

Linanna DESIGNS said...

Congratulations hun! and what lovely candy you are offering. I hope you are well. Hugs Linda x

ribenaruby said...

Huge congratulations Nikki! You've done so well for yourself,already following, will gladly put a link on my blog. Have a good day!

Anonymous said...

Congrats, Nikki!! I love your blog and website!! In fact on my way there now.


Susan said...

Love your blog and your shop!
Doesnt surprise me you've had so many hits!
Off to look at those yummy pearls!

Rosette said...

Well.. first of asll big CONGRATS sweetie.. I'm soo happy for you! I'm sure there will be many thousands more of hits.. with THAT talent and a yummy super shop.. what did you expect?? :))

thanks for this chance.. I'd be delighted to win! :))

Rosette said...

Well.. first of asll big CONGRATS sweetie.. I'm soo happy for you! I'm sure there will be many thousands more of hits.. with THAT talent and a yummy super shop.. what did you expect?? :))

thanks for this chance.. I'd be delighted to win! :))

Unknown said...

Wow, Nikki, you have the most gorgeous stash in your store, just dreaming of the goodies this would buy!! Congratulations on your success,
hugs Angela x

Georgia said...

Wow, fab candy Nikki, and congrats on your hits! I'll pop a link on my blog for you and I can't wait to hear your news! :)
Love, Georgia xx

Debbie (Little Gingham Bear) said...

I'm now a follower and have added a link in my side bar - that discount will make my birthday go a bit further :c)

Lorraine A said...

Oh this is lovely candy :-) I will post a pic link on my blog :-) I am a follower too :-)
Lols x x x

Cris Z said...

That candy sure would come in handy, you have so many great products!

Michelle said...

Thanks for the chance to win Nikki. I know I will put an order in anyway. The 10% off is great. Thanks again

LINDA W. said...

Congrats love your cards i try and check in on you everyday.
Thank You for a chance to win some Candy.
Linda W. from USA Texas

Marisa said...

Congratulations Nikki, and thanks for the chance to win such a fab prize!
Marisa xx

Dotty Jo said...

Yah for you Nikki! Love your blog and your shop so have just signed up as a follower. Big hugs to you, Jo x

thread-bare said...

Aww Nikki... I am not surprised you have achieved so many hits on your blog. It certainly is one of the most inspiring blogs around. Thank you for a great opportunity to win a shopping trip in your shop xx Clare x

Solila said...

Wow! Thanks for the chance!

Ina said...

Congrats on the hits. You deserve it. Always nice to visit your blog. No blog on this site, but I'll spread the word about your blog.Thanks for the chance to win your blogcandy. said...

Hi Nikki
this is the first time I have visited your blog, What a great blog you have and congratulations on your 150,000 hits.
thank you for a chance to win your voucher, I know already what I would spend it on. Good luck with your next 150,000 hits. It will be speeded up as I will be back
Hugs Sue

Joy said...

thank you for being so sweet and for always coming to visit and leaving me such wonderful comments! hope all is well with you. thanks for letting us have a chance at winning your candy! I will definitely tell everyone! have a wonderful weekend!

Melodie said...

Hello! I visit everyday to enjoy your lovely cards. I have been inspired many, many times by you. Thanks so much, and congratulations on this milestone!

Tanya S said...

Love your blog,how could you not follow!!!Huge news?I wonder?!?!?!So many possibilities!Thanks for the chance!

Närrin said...

wonderful candy!

Martina said...

Oh what a great Candy you offer! I lately have "found" your shop and has taken my first order...there are so many other nice this voucher would be great!! I will put your Candy in my sidebar and hope for some luck! =)

Caryn said...

Congratlations Nikki and thanks for the chance to win - would LOVE a shopping spree at your store!!!

Caryn xxx

I've put a link on my sidebar for you.

Jan McConnell said...

Hi, Visit you almost everyday and your creations always bring a smile to my face. Would love to be the lucky one to receive your candy. Linking to my blog.

Claudia Rosa ~ Pretty Pressings said...

love your shop Nikki.. sooo i would love to put my name into the drawing - fingers crossed lol

what are the big news .. do we have to wait until 4. october??? noooo wayyyy :-)

Waipahu CBDO dba Waipahu Community Coalition said...

congratulations! You are so talented! Thanks for the chance to win!

Unknown said...

Great prize and well done, I will add a link in my blog.

Fiona x

Neenie said...

Congratulations on your milestone, Nikki! Here's to another 150k before you know it!! Thanks for the opportunity to win your fab candy.x :)

Andreja - kokos said...

Congratulations on so many hits!
I linked your candy on my blog (sidebar) with a picture and I become your follower. Thanks for the chance to win this candy!
Hugs, Andreja

Birgit said...

Congrats! :)

Thanks for that great chance, too -- you rock! :)

Happy creating,

Tami Grandi said...

congrats on the blogging and the fabulous successes you are having!

Louise said...

thanks for chance to win candy going to pop your candy on my blog hope it works never done this before lol
louise xx

Anonymous said...

Congrats Nikki!!

Cheri said...

Thanks for a chance to win your candy! I'll go link you in my CandyBar right now! Congratulations on so many hits!

Anonymous said...

Heeeyy congrats Nikki, so well deserved and I'm not surprised at all!!! xxx

Am dying to find out your news, but got some educated guesses going on in my head ;-)

I'll email you shortly, as I did get yours but that email is not working anymore so will have to reply via another :)

Have a fantastic Sunday,

Hugs, Marlene x

Donnas Den said...

Thanks for this great opportunity. Have put your candy on my sidebar and am already a follower.


SCRAP DIDI said...

Congrats on your 150,000 hits! That's great!
Thanks a lot.
Big hugs didi

Lainy's Little Blog said...

Congratulations on the success of your shop Nikki. I'm dying to hear what your exciting news is. Can't wait to hear. I haven't been blogging for a while but still keep popping back to check out what you are getting up to! I have posted a link to your candy on my blog. Congrats again! Hugs, Lainy xxx

Poppy said...

congratultions have added a link in my sidebar.

Kelly Schelske said...

Yay!! Congratulations on all the visits Nikki! Your work and blog is absolutely fabulous, so it really is no surprise!

I have also posted on my blog!!

Hugs, Kelly

Mel said...

Congratulations Nikki as you know I love your blog ~ Mel x

Milnie said...

Congratulations and thank you for a chance to win! I have posted your Candy in my sidebar!



Anonymous said...

Wow! That's a lot of visitors!

Loes x

Lynne in NI said...

Oooh can't wait to hear your news!
I've linked your candy on my sidebar. Should I be lucky enough to win, please give me till the end of the week to reply as I'll be in Rome (yippee!)

Andrea said...

So many visitors - congratulations! I have linked your candy on my sidebar.
Love, Andrea xx

Nikki said...

Congrats Nikki .. Nice name too :P
Thanks for the chance I've linked you in my sidebar
hugs Nikki C

Lisa Foster said...

Thanks Nikki! Who wouldn't LOVE to go shopping in YOUR store! You have so many fabby things in there!
Thank you so much for the chance to win.

Chris Olsen, Glowbug said...

Woo hoo!! Congrats on all those hits Nikki!! I just love your blog and all your fab creations. You sure have talent and are sweet too!!

I am posting a link on my blog sidebar for your candy!

Nilla said...

Wow you are way ahead of me, LOL! But you're the best! I will put it on my blog! Love your shop!! Hugs Nilla

Unknown said...

Hi Nikki! Been ment to leave a comment days/week ago but never get round it, just got a bit of time to do so. I love looking yr cards, have picked up few things over the months since you lounched your shop. Lovely blog candy, off to spred the word not becouse you need it lol
Hugs Ildiko

Agnes van Hensbergen - agnesstampcards said...

Congratulations !!

Hugs agnesxx

Lisa said...

congrats and thanks for the chance to win I added your candy to my candy bar and I am a follower now too

laurlynn said...

Congrats on all the hits! Not hard to do with a great blog!

Jacilynn said...

Congrats Nikki! Well deserved success. I've linked you on my blog!

Gela said...

Congratulation about the 150.000 hits!
Your Candy is on my Blog sidebar.

Best whishes,

Unknown said...

Congratulations, Nikki!

And THANKS for the chance to win that gift voucher for your shop.


Heidi said...

Nikki- wow- you have come a long way Baby! It has been fun knowing you, we've not talked in awhile but it has been great to watch you grow and to come and visit and see all your beautiful stuff. I will post a link on my blog candy roll call!

Lilian said...

WAhOOO!! 150,000 hits!!! That's really awesome Nikki! Looking forward to a million! :) Linked candy on my sidebar. Have a wonderful day!

Sue said...

Many cogtulations popped over to mooch at shop,hehe, will link ya fabby candy to me side bar,sue.x

Anne-Marije said...

Hi Nikki,
Congratulations with so many hits! I'm already a follower of your blog. I add a link with a picture to your candy on my sidebar. Thanks for the chance to win.
Hugs, Anne-Marije (Netherlands)

Chrisd said...

Congrats on your Big Blog achievements!I put you on my blog on the sidebar.Hugs from Michigan

Amy C said...

What fabulous blog candy!! Congrats on all your hits!! I am already a follower and I have added your blog candy to my blog's sidebar HERE.

Amy ♥

Murielle said...

Congratulation, Nikki!
I have added your blog candy off to post on my sidebar.
Hugs, Mumur.

Karen said...

Fantastic number of hits! Hope all is going well for you.
I have linked you on my sidebar and I'm off to check out the shop :)

hugs Karen x

mitz said...

Nikki~~~~ what a great place to
come and browse.. fantastic blog
High 5's on your hits ! ! Keep
up the fantastic work.. WTG...

Nicola said...

Congratulations! I put a link in my side bar. I can't wait to find out what your big news is.


Stampin Mindy said...

I adore the products in your store. I'm going to post your candy on my sidebar. Thanks for the chance to win I cant wait to hear your announcement.

Queen La Rubba said...

Love that youa re giving away a voucher as candy! I am a follower and I have added a link to your candy inmy page under my candy category. I have also added your logo with a link to your web page/store on my page. I just love your supplies!!

Anonymous said...

thanks for a chance.
I added your candy in my sidebar.

Shazza said...

congratulations Nicky and thanks for the chance to win- how would I ever decide what to buy- too many gorgeous things in your shop. Am off to put on my blog

V said...

Congratulations! How wonderfully generous of you! I so love readying your blog and can't wait for you new "news"!

millamy said...

congratulation, this is so great...

Vicki G said...

Ohh Nikki, I can't WAIT to hear your news!!!!!



Sarah said...

Many congratulations Nikki!!! What fab candy, I have added a link to your candy in my sidebar here x

chantel said...

Wow, love reading your blog and now cant wait to see the big stamp reveal.

Magda said...

Great candy. I linked your candy on my blog
Thanks for the chance to win.
Magda :)

Alice said...

Hi Nikki, congrats on your hits and thanks for this blog candy! I often visit your beautiful blog and I already was a follower! I've just put a link to my candybar.

sheffsue said...

Congratulations Nikki on your hits.
Thank you for the chance to win .

Sue x

LeanneP said...

Congratulations Nikki. Thanks
for the chance to win.

Debbie said...

Congratulatins on reaching so many Hits Nikki and thanks for the chance to win such fab candy. Debbie x

Fleur said...

Hi Nikki,
I love your store I already have a link on my side bar for it. I got some stash from you the other day and told my friends about it.
I have become a follower and have linked your candy in my side bar - thanks for the chance
Hugs Fleur

Minxy said...

Wow, that sure is alot of hits.. hope your not too bruised lol

think i'm already a follower so off now to link to my blog :)
Good Luck everyone
Hugs Minxy x

Rufus said...

Thanks for the chance at your generous candy!

Anastasija said...

MA-MI said...

Hi Zoe congratulations on so many hits, and I wish you great success of your new online shop.Thanks for a chance to win

Unknown said...

Congrats on getting so many hits, you deserve them all. Love your blog and I'm going to your shop now!! Thanks for the chance to win.

Anonymous said...

Congrats..- nice blog:)

Heike's Creativeplace said...

Wow, Nikki congratulations for so many Hits. Hope you feel good. Thanks for the chance to win, i've linked you on my sidebar.....

Big Hugs

Pauline C said...

Wow Nikki - congrats on the hits and thanks so much for this yummy candy offer. I have become a follower and am just off to link to your candy from my sidebar - gfingers crossed!
pauline x

sparkling stamper said...

Congratulations on your store and stamp adventure. I just stumbled upon you tonight, but know I shall return. Thanks for the chance for blog candy!
Kathy B

Paula said...

Hiya Nikki congratulations on all those hits im sorry im last min at entering i thought i had lol anyway ive just done a post linking your blog and shop and thanks again for the chance to win.
Paula xxxx

Maria said...

Congrats on the hits. No surprise though as your blog is amazing and your work inspirational. I've posted about your candy on my sidebar. Hugs, Maria

melissa75 said...

Hi I am now a follower!!!!

Sharon said...

Phew, hope I made it!! Have been meaning to link this all week & just noticed it ends today. Have put a link on my sidebar.

Sharon x

Revlongal said...

Congratulations on your blog hit anniversary! Not wanting to sound too much like a member of a cult.. but I can confirm I am now "a follower" :)
