Wooo Hoooo it's my first Blogoversary and 1 year since I started stamping!!! I have also just checked my counter and it is just over 51,000 so another great reason to celebrate!!!
I would like to thank my blog friends and visitors for all the wonderful comments you leave. Also thank you for your continued support and encouragement. I have made some special friends over the last year. I have just received an award from Tracie so will be back later today to pass it on to them! I would also like to thank three wonderful ladies - Byrony, Tina and Melissa for having me on their DT teams.
Now onto the celebrations... I have 5 prizes to give away and will use a random generator on Tuesday 24th February to pick the lucky winners. High Hopes Rubber Stamps, Silly Monkey Crafts and Pink Cat Studio have very generously provided some of the prizes and I thank them again for their kindess.
Prize 1 - 3 new High Hopes Release Stamps - Ally Rose, Miss Zoe and Brayden.

This candy is open to all players worldwide and if you don't have a blog please email me your details so I can include you in the draw - nichola.fairbairn@googlemail.com
Again thank you so much for visiting my blog and Big Hugs to you all!! Good Luck!
1 – 200 of 674 Newer› Newest»Congrats!!! Awesome blog candy!!
Oh no, I hate being number 1. Oh well, these are such terrific prizes - the most generous I have seen. Congrats on everything and keep up the good work.
Wow this is amazing candy, congratulations on nearly 58,000 hits now thats quite an amazing thing
Thanks for a chance to win
off to post a link on my blog now
Tracy x
Wow, what wonderful blog candies! I really enjoy your blog! Have a great week! christinagerloff@att.net
Whoo! Congrats! What fab candy treats. :)
Hi Nikki
Congratulations on your blogoversary, and sooo many hits to. I can only dream about such numbers sigh.... I'm posting you candy on my blog. It would be great to win those hAnglar images alone, since I've never had any of these most sort after treasures. Keeping fingers crossed.
Hugs Debbie xx
Congrats on your blogoversary! I always check your blog daily as I really love your style and your colouring is always amazing! I've just started collecting Copic markers and any advice you have to get the best out of them would be very gratefully received!
Becky x
wooo hooo, what great prizes! I follow your blog and check it every day. I love your layouts and how you colour your images.
Hi dear, Congrats to your blog anniversery and of the hits you recieve. Gosh, you are one favorite lady. But not strange att all.
What a giant candy. YUMMIE.
I believe that you know that I follow your blog.
My guess is that your will have nearly/over 300 entries on your blogcandy. So start celebrating 60.000 visitors LOL
Hugs Sinikka
Congrats on your Blogaversary!!! Love your page and visit it often!! Here is a link to where I posted your blog candy on my myspace blog!! http://www.myspace.com/heidiladyb
Thanks for a chance to win some goodies!!! Hugs, Heidi
wow hun has it only been one year?? your candy looks lush, good luck to everyone that enters, Hugs Pops x x x
HI Nikki!! Congratulations on your one year of stamping and your 50,000+ hits!! You go girl!! I love visiting your blog!!! You are awesome!! I will post a link about your blog candy on my blog!! Great Blog candy!!!
WOW Nikki, your'e really spoiling us, gorgeous candy. Happy blogaversary and congrats on the number of hits (not surprised really). I'm already a follower and I'm off now to add a link onto my sidebar. Michele x
Wow! A year and 51K posts! Congrats!! Your candy is super sweet as are all of your cards!
Thanks Nikki for some great blog candy up for grabs!
Happy Blogoversary to you.
Alex x
Congrats, I can see why, you have an amazing blog!! Wow, awesome blog candy...I'm already a follower, added a link to my sidebar. :) ~Hugs
jippie congrats!!!
love your candy!!! it is always fun to look for your cards
I have you on my blogrol so when you post I can see it!!
big hugs sylvia
Hi Hun,
happy bloganniversary and congrats on that many hits. One year and wow look at what you've acchieved in such a short period. I'm really very proud of you.
Thanks for giving us the chance to winn some of this awesome candy.
I will make a post about your candy after dinner. WE're having popeye food. Will be good for Britt, becuase she has to swim again tomorrow (3 hours straight).
Hope you are enjoying schoolbreak with the girls.
Big Hugs,
xoxo Karin
Congrats Nikki! I can't believe it's a year for your blog. I feel like it was just yesterday when I e-mailed you and said how much I loved your cards! I follow it daily and wish I could be half as creative as you! Well here's to another 50,000 hits and then some!
Sue from the US!
Congratulations on your blogoversary, and to achieve so many hits is brilliant. The blog candy looks really yummy, and anyone winning it will be very excited opening up their parcel. I will leave a link on my own blogspot for you .http://nannieflash.blogspot.com/
Congratulations Nikki on your Blogoversary and hits. What great goodies. I will pop a link on my blog now.
Natalie x
Thanks for offering some very yummy blog candy. I love your blog. The images are colored beautifully.
Lovly blog candy!
Congratulations on your blogoversary:)
It's no small feat to accomplish what you've accomplished. Than you for sharing with us and for coming up with such beautiful creations.
Congrats on 1 year and 1 year of stamping I can't believe by looking at your beautiful cards that you have only been doing it one year... Posting a link on my blog www.creationsbywendalyn.blogspot.com
Hi! I really love your blog and the cards you make, they're all so cheerful. I have linked to you from my blog so that i can come back to visit easily over and over again ;)
Hi Nikki, many congrats on your blogoversary and the hits :O) thankyou so much for the oppurtunity to enter your fantastic and so generous candy! I have linked on my blog to spread the word. joey.xxx
Wow what a party!! Wrote about you in my blog + joined your flollower list, allreaddy got you in my bloggfeed ;-)
Thanks for a chance to win some great candy. Congrats on you blogversary. You do great work.
I follow you through google reader. Not sure how I came to your blog but I am happy I found it.
pscole3467 at gmail dot com
Congratulations, love your blogcandy. I really like visting your blog ( and Zoes ) I have put a link on my blog!
Fern x :)
Wow, that's a huge accomplishment! How have you managed to get that many hits in one year? I thought I was doing pretty good with about half that! Congrats!
Happy Blogoversary!!
That's some fantastic candy there missus!! And I see little miss Zoe has made it in too!!
I'll link you up on my side-bar.
Thanks for the chance to win.
Congratulations on your blogoversary Nikki, what a wonderful Blogcandy. Thanks for the chance to win, i link you on my sidebar......
Big Hugs
wow...congrats on your blogoversary
.... and 50K plus hits...an even bigger wow for that !
Amazing blog candy...yum !
RubyMay xxx
Wow 1 year and so much hits congratulations!!!!!
And what a great blogcandy amazing!!
I set a link on my blog for you.
Hugs and Love,Agnesxx
Congratulations Nikki your work is beautiful.
Have linked back to you.
Happy crafting.
Kim xXx
Ooh such lovely blog candy! Thanks. Congrats on your blog! Its wonderful.
I am so happy to have found your site!!
Thanks for sharing :o)
Beautiful work! Love the new igh Hopes stamps you're offering. Linked you on my blog...
hi nikki
i have been poppin' into you blog a few times, and i'm going to follow it now, just got my own, blog, and lovin' it. i hav now idea to post a link, but shure will spread the word!
Oh Nikki
congratulations on all your hits, gorgeous candy offer n so many, off to link it to my blog, sue.x
Congratulations Nikki!! Whata way to celebrate!! Thanks so much for the chance to win some fun goodies!!
Hugs, Kelly
P.S. Will add to my sidebar asap!!
Congrats on your blogoversary! WooHoo!
You have such a sweet blog! Love it!
Thanks for the opportunity to win some yummy blog candy! Very nice of you!
Huggies to you ~
Hey Nikki! Wonderful offering you have here! I've got it up on my blog, but leave me out of the draw, ok? Just wanted to say hi and tell you I'm advertising for ya!
Congratulation on your Blogoversary.
Congratulations Nikki.
Gorgeous candy prizes, thank you for the chance to win.
Will add you to my candy list in side bar.
Joanne x
Congrats on your blogoversary and soooo many hits!! Looking forward to another year of wonderful projects and great ideas!!
Thanks! ---> Dee
Happy Blogaversary! I have just come across your blog from the High Hopes Blog and your work is fantastic.
Happy blogoversary! Thank you for the chance to win this great candy.
I'm going to link you on my blog!
Hey there Nikki what a fantastic blog candy giveaway - its fabulous.ive linked you up Thank you for the opportunity love tasha xx
Hoi Nikky
Congratulations on your blogoversary one year Whoowww.
You have such a sweet blog whit wonderful cards.
what a wonderful Blogcandy. Thanks for the chance to win, i link you on my Blog......
Groetjes Suze
What a wonderful giveaway, all of the prizes are fab, happy to put a link on my blog to your candy & also have become a follower
Jan x
Wow what a brill blog you have,am now a follower, and put a link on my blog.Congrats on your blogaversary.I would love to win your candy.
Trish (-:
one word (AWESOME!!!), thanks for the chance
Hey Nikki,
Congrats on your blogoversary and sooo many hits! Well done, wow.
I'll put a link on my blog.
Thanks for this wonderful blogcandy and the chance of winning it!
Many happy returns!
Hugs Wilma
Wow! Congrats on the blogiversary! And thanks for the chance to win some awesome new products! I am IN LOVE with the new High Hopes stamps!!! They are awesome!
Hi Nikki, Happy Blogoversay hun and wow 58,000 hits I see now... well done its no wonder your creations are always so wonderful. And wow what fabulous candy too, Im just loving Miss Zoe stamp - she is so gorgeous.
Thanks for the opportunity of this fabulous candy, I'll pop a link on my sidebar now.
have a great week
Tracie :)xx
Congratulations on nearly 58,000 hits!
This is amazing candy,
thanks for a chance to win!
Wow! That's a lot of candy! Happy Blogoversary! Thanks for the chance!
Congrats on your 1 year blogaversay !!! Way to go. Your blog is fantastic, and how cool that your daughter has a stamp named after her! I am now a follower and I am linking you up on my blog. Congrats!!!
Hi Nikki Congratulation on your 58,000 woooo that is amazing well done and your blog is fantastic and beautiful so I am not surprised.
Thank you for your beautiful blog candy I am keeping my fingers crossed to win lol, shall link you in my candy jar besides my favourites.
Hugs Linda
Hi Nikki brill blog you have, congrats on your blogversary, & wow the candy is so generous, thanks for the chance to win, off to post to a link mine.
hugs Christine xx
heres my link
Great prizes. Please enter me into your competition. This Miss Zoe is a lovely stamp to be named after your daughter.
I've added myself to your followers and put a link to your candy in my sidebar.
Best wishes,
Congrats Nikki! Awesome candy, love to win, I linked you on my blog! I am your follower now! Hugs, Moni
Hi Nikki, Congratulations on your blogoversary. I always enjoy visiting your fab blog and would like to thank you for your advice and friendship over the last year. 24th is my birthday so I hope that I will be extra lucky ~ Mel x
Wow - congrats on your 1st Anniversary Nikki - fantastic work to have achieved in only 1 year! Fab blog candy - thanks for the chance to win such wonderful stuff!
Hugs, Danielle
Happy Blogoversary and congrats on your now more than 58,000 hits!!! What wondeful blog candy and so nice to have so many prizes.
Well done,
Joanne x
Congrats with your Anniversary Nikki. What a lovely blogcandy. It is always fun to visit your blog. Hugs Marja
Congratulations Nikki!! on all the hits and your Blogoversary!! Super Awesome candy!!...Hugs, Ila
Congratulations on your blogerversary.
This is just sooper-dooper candy.
I am going to link you now!
Congratulations Nikki!!!!! All your blog candy is wonderful.
congrats on your one year:) Your blog rocks!!
This is such a great candy! Congrats to you!!! You have a lovely blog:) Greetings from Slovakia
Congratulations Nikki, on your blog hits and your blogaversary! Fantastic candy, I will def put a link on my blog and a pic of all your goodies. Hugs DawnM.x
congrats on your awesome blog candy!!!!
Congratulations Nikki. What a year you've had! Bet it's been a quick one. What fabulous candy! There's a little something for you on my blog. I know that you've probably had it already, hope you don't mind! :o) I'm going to go and post about your candy on my blog now. I've tried to become a follower on your blog in the past but for some strange reason it doesn't allow me too! You know that I do follow you anyway as you are so inspiring. Hugs, Lainy xxx
Congratulations on your blogoversary!
Happy Anniversary!
Congrats Nikky for your blogoversary!
Your blogcandy is a bigblogcandy!!
Thanks a lot for giving us this chance !
Mila :)
Hi Nikki,
Congrats on your Blogaversary and on all those hits wow. Your generosity is astounding thank you for the chance to take part in your candy :)I am now following your blog and i am off to put a link in my Sweet Candy Bar top right on my blog :)
Good luck to everyone!!!
Val xxx
How many hits...in one year...fantastic!...put you on the scroll bar on the right of my blog...great blog by the way
Gosh what a lot of candy! Very kind of you and your sponsors! Well done on the hits hunny and here's to the next blogaversary! Have posted a link in my side bar.
Congrats on 58,000 hits and the blogoversary!
Great blogcandy! Thanks for the chance to win!
I became a follower and posted a link on my blog
I love your blog. You always have such cute ideas.
wow ....what alot of goodies..candilicious...willl link you to my very new blog and follow you if thats ok..read your tips on colouring so a big thanks..have been wondering just starting colouring so handy to know...sassyx
These stamps are just too cute :o)
I left a link on my blog in the candy jar section ;o)
oh such wonderful candys you have!
Happy 1st blogoversary!!! :D *big hug*
Smashing blog and fabulous candy. It would be wonderful to win any of the candies! :)
Congrats on your first blogoversary! Thank you for the chance to win. I will link your blog candy on my blog.
Congratulations on hits and the blogoverasy.Great blogcandy!
Hugs from Slovenia
wow congratulations. I love visiting your blog its so insperational. Thank you so much
happy 1st Blogaversary !
what a fab candy
well done on having the stamped named after your daughter :)
Whooohoooo for you girl - happy blogaversary!! Your candy is absolutely YUMMY! *STAMPIN HUGS* Alex
Hi nikki! Congrats on your blogoversary and your hits. Great giveaway! Thanks for the chance. I told about your candy on my blog.
x Natasha x
Happy Blogaversary! I love visiting your blog and have gained a lot of knowledge and inspiration by doing so. I will post a link to your blog/candy on my sidebar. This blog candy is incredibly generous. Thanks so much for the chance to win! =)
Happy blogaversary...oh wow how fantastic is this candy, and to win some hanglar images would be fantastic...thanks for the chance to win xxx
Fab candy! Congrats for getting so many hits in your first year of blogging! Thanks for the chance to win! Have put a photo and link in the sidebar on my blog.
Helen x
ooooh Nikki, I am delighted to be in with a chance of winning some of your gorgeous candy, its totally yummy!!! :) thanks a million ♥
Happy blogoversary Nikki! And congrats on so many hits!! I think your blog is fantastic so all those hits are not surprising!!
Amazing candy! Thanks for the chances to win!! xx
Lovely blog and very inspirational to a new blogger like me! Link added to my blog please pop over and visit, I look forward to popping back with interest xx
Happy Blogoversary and congrats on your award. >:0)
Thank you so much for the chance to win. I love the little girl stamps...they remind me of my daughter when we are at my parent's farm. SO cute! The rest of the prizes are fabulous as well.
I posted about your blog candy on my blog.
Have a great night!
Hi Nikki, Congrats on your 1st year and over 51,000 hits. I love your blog and your cards. Also Congrats to Zoe, I think the Miss Zoe stamp is so adorable.
Please count me in the draw :)
WOW well done you!!!
And how cool to have a stamp designed and named after you!! And then to be able to offer it as a prize!!
I am a follower and I have linked you in my blog!
Congrats on your blogoversary!! This is some AMAZING blog candy you have here.Thanks for a chance to win.
Fabulous blog candy or candies I should say! Congrats on your 1st year blogaversary too! Will be adding you to my list of blogs. Thanks for a chance to win.
- Alma =)
Eeeek, blogger is being silly so if this is duplicated I am sorry hun. Just wanted to say huge congratulations Nikki on your huge amount of hits in your first year - no surprise cos your blog is brilliant hun! Would love a chance of your wonderful candy, will post on the rhs of my blog. I am already a follower of yours - how could I not be!!!!! Hope your 2nd year is even happier and more successful than your first!
wow - can't believe you're giving away all that stuff.
have had a nosey around and I'm away to add myself to your followers so i can keep watching your creations
good luck to everyone and I'm away to link you on my blog candy box too
Oh Hun how generous you have been, this is fabulous candy, Congrats on your 1st years blogging anniversary and all the inspiration and help you have given me in that time, heres to another year
Hugs Sweetie
Jacqui x
Hi Nikki
I am new to all this crafting It is sooo adictive! I have added your blog, I love your cards well done on your 1 year blogiversary and on all those hits!
Wow, 1 year of blogging! Whoohoo!! Happy Blogoversary! What a great reason to celebrate and to top it off, 51,000 hits. ..more reason to celebrate!!
Well, I can see why you have so many hits. . .your blog is fabulous and I love seeing all your lovely creations when I visit your site!!
Thankyou for offering the wonderful blog candy!!!
I would love to win!! Thanks for the chance.
contact me at:
Awesome candy!!!!
Wow - this is is great!!!
Big congrats on your blogaversary Nikki and on all those hits which is fantastic. Your celebration candy is amazing, thanks for the chance of winning. I've linked up to your post and I wish you all the best for your second year of blogging. Hugs, Chris x
Best wishes for the coming year too!
Congrats Nikki! Your blog is so awesome and so is your candy! The stamps are so gorgeous.
The winners will be so lucky.
Drea S.
Congrats on your first year and all those hits! Awesome blog.
Hi Fantastic Blog Candy Wow 5 tries to win too
Left a link on my blog
Thank you for the chance and I'm following you too :)
Nikki (too)
Congrats on the first of many years I hope!
lorki7atyahoo dotcom
Great blog! Congrats on your blog-aversary! :) Thanks for a chance too win some really yummy goodies!
Love your cards! Happy Blogoversary and great blog candy!!!
wow what a fab blog and conrat on your blog anniversary. Would love to be in with a chance to win blog candy. Thanks. Aunty Sue
Awesome candy, Nikki.
Congrats on your blogoversary and your 51,000 hits!!
Karen x
Happy Blogoversary!!! I've been a long time subscriber :) and I blogged: http://bunnymoney9.blogspot.com/2009/02/goodies-galore.html
bunnybx at gmail . com
Hi Nikki,
Congratulations on your blogaversary and 51,000 hits in one year!!! wow.. this is awesome!!
and what an awesome blog candy your are giving away! I really hope to win anyone of them!!
I have linked you to my blog candy alert!
Hi Nikki, congrats on your blogaversary & all the visitors to your blog. I love the name Zoe & that's what we are going to call our new fur baby...Zoey Nicole, will post a pic on my blog soon. Thanks for the chance to win. Hugz
Congrats on your first blogoversary!
I'm now a follower, yay!
Happy Blogoversary! wow, I would love a chance to win and I will definately be following your blog - it's great! I am going to go add a little note to my blog so my friends will come visit as well. Thanks a bunch!
Congratulations on your first year. I enjoy reading your blog. I already have the HH Miss Zoe stamp on my wish list. Thanks for the chance to win great blog candy.
Congrats on your Blogaversary. Great blog candy. Yummy! Still waiting for my chance to win, I enter so many blog candy and not yet have won. I guess I'm not that lucky. Hopefully I will win this candy. Thanks for the chance to win.
Happy Anniversary!
what talent!
Thanks for your inspiration and sharing.
Wow, congratulations on both one year of blogging AND over 51,000 hits - that's amazing!
I gave you a little shout-out on my blog :)
Fabulous candy- congrats on your year! I'll post on my blog :) and I'll sign up as a follower :)
Hi Nikki, I just subscribed to your blog because it's obviously a great source for inspiration. I'll try to post your blog candy on my blog. What great prizes! I'd be so excited if I win! I can only dream that my blog will ever make 51,000. Happy Blogaversary!
Congratulations on your one year blogoversary! You and I started stamping the same time...it is rather addicting, isn't it? How fun that your DD shares your passion! Thank you for the chance to win this awesome candy. Hugs, xx Cindy E.
Congrats my friend! I'm looking forward to another year of inspiration from your creativity. Big Hugs, Maria
Happy Blogoversary! Your work is awesome so I hope for many more. Thanks for a chance to win some fun goodies.
CONGRATS on your FIRST year! I just started mine and i appreciate the time and dedication it takes to maintain one...it is a big deal and you are celebrating in style! the blog candy is AWESOME! Thank you for the opportunity!
Wow what a fabulous giveaway! Happy blogovesary!
I can't believe all the wonderful blog candy. I just subscribed to your blog yesterday and already there's candy to win!
Congrats Nikki! Thanks for the chance to win your awesome blog candy!! My email is: frootloopsx5@yahoo.com
Congratulations on your blogaversary. Super blog! and incredibly generous blog candy!
Congratulations on your anniversary. I just found your blog and am about to follow it.
Congratulations Nikki!!!! This is fantastic news!! Wow, a whole year that is incredible and I seriously can't believe that you have only been stamping for a year!!! You talent is incredible and I am always inspired by your creations! They are always amazing!!!
Lots of hugs and smiles,
Congrats on 1 year!Your work is amazing!
Thanks for the chance to win such great blog candy!
Nikki- glad to be back, congrats on your anniversary that is a HUGe accomplishment! The candy is wonderful, those HH are so sweet! Count me in, will post you on my site as well.
great giveaway, thank you
happy blogiversary!
Congrats on your anniversary and 50,000 hits. Awesome blog here.
I just found your blog through Melissa Rogers' blog, and I am so glad I did! What wonderful work you do! I am now a follower and look forward to seeing more. Thanks so much for sharing, and Congrats on your blogaversary!
WOW! Amazing blog candy giveaway...any of them would make a great addition to my stash!
Drop by I'm holding a blog candy giveaway of my own.
Hi Nikki,
Thanks for the chance to win great blog candy. Congrats on your 1yr blogaverary!
: )
Happy Blogiversay! I just ventured into starting my own blog yesterday! If I can figure out how to put this on my blog, I will be more than happy to! Congrats! Thanks for the chance at the blog candy.
Happt Blogaversary!! I look forward to many more to come inthe future! Thanks for the great blog candy too!
Wow, what generous blog candy you are giving away. I am so glad that I heard about it because now I have another blog to stalk! I love your work. Good Luck to everyone. Thanks for the chance to win!
A great big, heartfelt, Congrats to you Nikki and Happy First Blogaversary! It has been so much fun visiting your blog every week! One of my favorite blogs to visit :)! Looking forward to another year of awesome inspiration!!!
Blessings and hugs,
Wow Nikki that is totally amazing that you have actually only been stamping for a year. Your creations are truly some of the very very best out there!!!!
You are one amazing stamper and even more amazing that you have only been doing it for 1 year!!!
Just Plain Amazing!!!!
Congrats Nikki I enjoy your blog, your creations, and your comments very much every day!!!
Congrats! That's a lot of blogging, huh??? Love those prizes!
Congrats first of all, and thanks for offering so much blog candy - it's great to have so many winners! I will post on my blog: http://triesmakingcards.blogspot.com and I'd love to win!
Hi Nikki!!
Congrats on your first year and also on your hits!!
the Stamps are solovely!!!
Thanks for the chance to win!!
Have a nice day!!!
Congratulations on your one year nniversary. Lts o follwers in just 1 year. It shows ou are loved by lots :) I am going to go post about you on my blog now. Have a great week.
Great Stuff! Thanks for the opportunity to win!
I love the candy such neat stuff. I found out about you threw pink cat studio blog. I just start a blog this month and can't wait to see who follow mine. You do make some wonderful cards.
Congrats on your blog birthday!
Yummy blog candy! Thanks for letting us celebrate the birthday with you!
wow you have a great blog and congratulations on all those hits...awesome....your coloring is so inspirational TFS
Congrats on your Blogoversary. Awsome bolg candy. I check out your blog often, Great job.Thanks
Happy blogaversary Nikki, and very naci candies!
Hi! So glad I'm surfing along and came upon your site. I will be back now. Enjoying it. Love this blog candy you are offering. I'm almost a year on my blog, but not quite as many hits as you have accomplished. You are doing something right! Wonderful blog! Congratulations!
I love your cards and what great blog candy!!! Congrats on your first year!
Wow, I have never seen such yummy blog candy!!! How generous of you. I do not have a blog, but will be sure to spread the word to my stamping/scrapbooking friends. Thanks again, Linda S. in NE
Wow! Over 51,000 visitors! Congrats on your blog, I visit often...thanks for the chance to win some yummy candy! http://nelliesnest.blogspot.com
So glad to have found your blog. I already added you to my Google Reader. That stamp of Zoe is just adorable!!! Thanks for the chance to win.
wow congratulations on your one year blogaversary! And 51,000 hits is awesome...it's because you are so talented and also so sweet and generous!
Thanks for simply blogging...it's such a pleasure checking out your blog everyday. :O)
wonderful blog candies!
Thanks a lot for giving us this chance !
Congrats Nikki !! Your blog is marvellous !!
Very, very great work Nikki !!!!
Big hugs and have a great day Nikki !!
Congratulations on such a wonderful year. I exchanged emails with Zoe and she was so sweet. What a great thing for you to have stamping in common with her. I am hoping for the Hangler images. The little boy sitting on the moon is my all-time stamp image. I would love to somehow be able to add it to my collection.
What a wonderful chance! All candys are so lovely!
I put a link in my blog here: http://kristalll.blogspot.com/
Thank you very much!!!
Congratulations! =)
Great blogcandy, I posted a link on my blog and would not mind winning this at all! =)
Hugs, Elenor
That year just flew by didn't it! I found your blog about 6 months ago and linked a bunch of my friends up with you - this is one of the first blogs hit daily!! What great Blog candy - yummy!!
Thanks for sharing what you and your girls do with us on a daily basis!
Oh Nikki. Congratulations on your blogoversary and on having so many hits :))). I'd love to win one of your prizes :)).
I just posted your blogcandy on my blog.
Hugs Monique
Congrats Nikki for all the marvellous things you create!!
That's the reason why your counter's blog is nearly 59000 visitors!! Congrats Nikki!!
And Happy anniversary to your blog!! Your blog candy is fabulous, you will offer five gorgeous prizes!!
Have a great day my friend,
Big hugs to you all,
congratulations on your blogoversary, such a lot of lovely candy.
i will link to your blog
Congrats on your first year and your blog is so beautiful.
Thanks for the blog candy,the prizes are marvellous.
Biz la tef
Congratulations on your BLOGOVERSARY.... it is such a celebration... You create wonderful cards!
thanks for the giveaway...
Such wonderful blog candy.. Count me in!
So many hits! Congrats to you! :) it's making me feel so excited! Hope i'll be picked...
Thanks for the giveaway! You're so generous..
I'll love to win any of the prizes. They're such amazing prizes!
mel_88_88 at hotmail dot com
Cross my fingers! Congrats too!
dancerinthemaking AT gmail DOT com
BIG congratulations Nikki and thanks for giving us the chance to win some fabulous prizes.
Wow, you are so generous Nikki, 5 prizes!!! Congratulations to you my friend and thank you so much for the Friends award, I am deeply honoured!
I have left a post on my blog spreading the Candy word.
Hugs Justine x x x
Happy blogaversary to you Nikki,amazing candy. Your creations are so different and inspirational, what an achievement to be working to produce excellent creations for all these wonderful companies and all of them so generous! Post is on the right, have a great day.
Nikki! That's a lot of yummy candy! Congratulations on your blogversary and may you have many more years of beautiful card making posts. I placed your blog candy announcement on the sidebar :) Have a great day!!
Hi Nikki,
I just looked at my blog as I started in februari last year too and guess what was my blogoversary? 16 february and I didn't realise it. The difference between you and me? Only a few visitors....you have 58773 and I have 5426 *grin* Where does this leave me??
What a great candy (I fell in love with the little chickies)!!! You are way to generous. I take a shot and go straight to my blog to spread the word.
Love, Renata
Wow Happy Blogaversary! and congratz on all those hits i just love comeing visiting your blog for inspiration:)
Thanks for this chance to win fantastic cal free candy.
will help spread the word in my candy bar:)
Mel x
Wow - happpy blogaversary from little ol New Zealand!!! What awesome blog candy!!! Thanks for the chance to win such cool stuff :)
Wow!!! Congrats on your hits! You have a very beautiful blog, your works are special, I would put your link between my favourite links if you want. Thanks for a chance to win this generous candy, I hope to be between the 5 lucky persons! I put a link to my candybar about your candy, see you.
Email entry: Susan Bennett
Wow- amazing candy!! Thanks for giving us the chance to win one of these 5 amanzing gifts!
I´m already a follower and love reading your blog! I´ve posted a link in my side bar!
Really love your stamps, but fairly new to them great blog Bee
Happy blogoversary!! hanks for the chance :) I blogged your candy here
Bye, Kitty
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