Saturday 4 October 2008

Blog Candy Alerts

Some great candy's for you to check out on some of my good friends blogs.

First my fellow Silly Monkey DT member Marlene is celebrating her big birthday next week and has some very yummy candy including some Hanglar stamps.

Kelly is celebrating 10,000 hits! Congratulations Kel!

Also my fellow Spoon Full DT Member Lim has some too. This ones mine though and am feeling lucky as it ends on my birthday!


Lim said...

You always make me laugh :)))
I hope your win because it will be your BIRTHDAY!!!! :)))

Kelly L said...

Thank you so much for spreading the word. You are a very sweet friend, and I am so glad we "chat" through our blogs. I have been extra busy this past week. So sorry I haven't been posting much, and I think I read I missed your birthday? Hope you had a GREAT day. :) Kel