Wednesday 2 July 2008

BLOG CANDY - Yeah 10,000 hits! - NOW CLOSED

Yeah! I can't believe I have had 10,000 hits in just under 4 months. Thank you to everyone who comes to visit and for all the wonderful comments that you leave. I have had so much fun and made so many wonderful new friends.

First prize:
Papilio Stamp - Lida in the Garden
House stamps which are from Holland *thank you Karin ;-) *
New Basic Grey Euphoria - 6 x 6 Paper pad
Co-ordinating fibres
Selection of images - High Hopes, Hanglar, Papilio, Magnolia (not pictured)

There will also be a little prize for the 2nd and 3rd place too.

The only thing you have to do is to put a link to this Blog candy in your blog and leave a comment on THIS post.

If you don't have a blog, I don't want to keep you from winning so it is open to all - just drop me an email

I will ship the candy worldwide.

Just tell a friend, to visit if they can.

My daughter Zoe will write all the names and put them into a box and on 7th July her and Danni will pick out the winners.

Good Luck


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Agnes van Hensbergen - agnesstampcards said...

Hi Nikki,

Congratulations with you 10.000 hits in 4 months and what a great candy areyou given. I set is on my blog.And your new magnolia's are beautiful .
Hugs Agnes

Jo said...

Wow, what fantastic candy!

And i am so jealous, my stamps havent come - and i have time! Its typical they arrive wen you cant use them! lol!

Linked here

Gill said...

wow! fabby blog candy, congrats on your 10,000 hits, you deserve it sweetie, not just for your wonderful creations but for being such a lovely lady.
big hugs Gill x

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the 10,000 hits in just 4 months. No surprise since your creations are beautiful. Thanks for the chance to win your generous blog candy.
Hugs, Maria

Kyra said...

10.000 hits in 4 months, wow, congratulations!! I will try to place a link at my blog, i'm new and must learn a lot :-)...By the way, you make beautifull cards!!
Greatings, Kyra.

Unknown said...

WTG On your hits!!!

I have added your news of the blog candy in a new area dedicated to blog candy on the RHS of my blog!

I love the look of the candy on offer..

pounette said...

felicitation, it is enorme 10000 hits in hardly 4 month!! bravo. I love your creations hugs pounette

Camilla said...

Congratulations with your 10 000 hits!! No wonder, your blog is amazing! And you are such a beautiful person, leaving the best comments! Thanks for the chance to win, the blog candy is awesome:)
Hugs, Camilla.

Claudia Rosa ~ Pretty Pressings said...

Dear Nikki,
congratulations!!!! i want to say the same as Camilla .. you are really a sweet and kind person! i am happy that i could meet you online.
i am more than happy to announce your blog candy today on my blog.
your blog candy is absolutely fabulous

Marte said...

I'm in! What a fantastic candy, Nikki!! :)

ongratulations on your 10.000 hits! No wonder! ;)

Have a nice day, all my love


daysease said...

hi, congrats on the hits. and thanks for the chance to win. and have a great day. also have address in states to send to.

Anonymous said...

Hi Nikki
Congratulations on 10,000 visitors to your blog. Im not surprised as your creations are fantastic.
You have been very helpful over the past weeks to which im extremely grateful,keep up the fantastic work.
I would love to win some blog candy.
hugs Jill
x x x

Lainy's Little Blog said...

Many congratulations on your 10,000 hits Nikki. No wonder - your blog is terrific and your creations are stunning. Here's to many more thousands of hits.

Bunny B said...

Congrats on your many, many hits!! Woohoo!! Amazing! :) Well, I've linked your candy HERE!

Thanks for the chance!

bunnybox9 at gmail . com

Annie said...

Congratulations on all those hits! and how wonderful to celebrate with that gorgeous blog candy! I will definately put up a link on my blog later today, just as soon as I finish playing with the new Magnolia stamps! hugs, annie x

Dawn Wheeler said...

Huge congrats on you blog ,your cards are so fabulous to come and look at xxxxDawnxx
wish my stamps had arrived

Debbie said...

Congratulations Nikki on reaching 10,000 hits I am really pleased that i visited your blog many weeks ago and that we have now become firm friends I have linked your candy on my blog.

Kristine said...

OH MY GOODNESS, OH MY GOODNESS...NIKKI!!! I'm soo in on this one. I LOVE The Papilio stamps AND Magnolias and don't have any yet. I actually tried to place an order but it wasn't in English and it wouldn't go through :( I'd sooo love to get my hands on these, lol. But I'm sure whomever the lucky winner is will be very deserving and appreciative. Hey, maybe I can do an image swap with ya?? LOL.

tessa said...

Wow!! This is a really yummi RAK!! Love the stamps!!! I have linked you in my blog ;-)

angeljakki said...

Wow nikki 10,000 hits that pretty cool and my stamp club haven't arrived as yet.
Love everything you do, but you know that Xoxoxo

Anonymous said...

Wow Nikki, 10,000 hits, congratulations! Fabulous blog candy, I've left a link on my blog.
Have a great day.
Carole ;o)

TiteC said...

I'm glad I found your blog, love your cards !!

I've put a link on my blog

have a nice day


RuthieB said...

wow, that is such an achievement in sucha short space of time, love to pop by and look at your your wonderfulness on here.

wot amazing blog candy, left a link on my blog.


MichelleO said...

Ok, we both are celebrating the same thing! I am thinking we need to meet up and have a little party!!! I have linked ya, and oh yea... you got another award!

Kraftin' Kimmie said...

Aaaaaaaghhhhhhh!! I'm so jealous!!! I'm just going to keep your blog open on my computer and keep looking at the images....okay?? Heehee!! They look adorable and I can't wait to see what you create with them!!!

Jacqueline TresBella said...

Great blog and cute stuff. Can't wait to see what you do with your new stamps!


Karen said...

Hi Nikki,

Congratulations on your 10,000. Can't wait to see what you create with those new Magnolias.

Off to put a link to yout blog candy on my blog.

Karen x

Cindy Haffner said...

Oh what fun, awesome give away, thanks for stopping by my blog.

Unknown said...

Thanks for the chance to win! Great blog too, btw!

Annelies said...

Congratulations on the hits! I've put a link on my blog (
Thanks for a chance to win (I love that Lida stamp so much!). Greetings from Belgium, Annelies

Renee said...

Wow! 10,000 hits....that's great Nikki! Thank youfor the opportunity to win your blog candy!
I'm on my way to leave a post on my blog!


Just Me said...

Here is my link

Anonymous said...

wow congratulations on your 10'000 views!!!! your blog candy looks fantastic,what do i need to do to enter ? xx jo xx

Anonymous said...

Awesome blog candy! I would love to be entered to win. I don't have a blog but I will send it on to all the gals in our stamp club here! Congrats and glad Claudia sent me to your blog! I need inspiration always!

Ravengirl said...

Very cute stuff here! Congrats on your milestone! Here is the link: Toni

lisa808 said...

Congratulations on having 10K hits already!

Sweet candy you are offering. I'm posting it to my blog.

You can visit me here:

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, Nikki! WOW 10,000hits in 4 months is a great achievement. I've left a link to your candy on my blog.
Maria xx

Julia said...

Awsome blog candy!!

I`m posting it to my blog.

me said...

Congratulations :)

Ooh love the new Magnolia stamps you received :)

~ Henderica

Rachel Hope said...

WOO HOO on 10,000 hits!!! Great candy!!!

galadriel1122 said...

Congrats to your 10000 hits!! Your works are amazing.

Unknown said...

Loads of hits, well done hun, thats fabulous, I can account for a few of those!! lol

Okay, I have just listed your candy on my blog


Alex xx

cats whiskers said...

Hi Nikki congrats on your 10,000 hits and thanks for the chance to win thi great blog candy, I have put a link on my blog.
Hugs Jacqui x

Kathy said...

WOW what great candy to be won!! I love those stamps!!! I am off to leave a comment on my blog!! Thanks again for the chance at this wonderful candy and images!!

Donalda said...

That is awesome !!!!!!! You sure got a lot of hits fast !! Congrats dear. I have also posted your blog candy on my blog you can find it here

Nixe-Moni said...

Hi Nikki,
congratulations on your 10.000 Hits, wooow!!! Thanks for the chance to win this great prize ...
Hugs, Moni

kes said...

Thankyou for allowing us to admire your work, got my stamps a.m too. Probably won't do as good as you with them though.

Jacqueline said...

Congrats on your 10,000hits!

Christi Flores said...

Congrats on all the hits! I've linked you up on my blog here ( Your blog is awesome!!!

Sarah said...

Wow what a great candy! Congrats on the hits! You got me really excited when I saw those Magnolias-- until I read that they are your new present :( ENJOY 'EM!

Leona said...

WOWSERS you have had a big hit there hun! Great candy on offer aswell, just popping back now i have commented to see your lovely work......and your lovely magnolia stamps hee hee Leona x

Bev said...

OMG!! Can't wait for mine to arrive now!

Nikki, please pop over to my blog, there's something there for you

Anonymous said...

Congrats! I enjoy your blog. Wonderful artwork and fantastic blog candy!

Susan c

Anonymous said...

Hi Nikki-- Congratulations on getting 10,000 hits! Love your blog. I'm a stamper, but not a blogger--maybe some day. But I'd LOVE the chance to win one of your awesome prizes. You can email me at

ChrissyM said...

Congrats on your blog. Not sure if I can play along I live in USA but I did post a link to you on my blog. You have a cute blog. I love your header, I'm a big bunny fan. I will be visiting often.


Tamara said...

Congratulations on all your hits! I hope my page is as successful as yours. The blog candy is awesome too! I will link you right now. Thanks! ~tamara

Anonymous said...

Hey Nikki! Great BlogCandy, and congratulations with 10.000 visitors! And only in 4 months! Wow! I have linked you on mye blog, if you want to take a loook;

Hugs from Norway - Cathrine!

Monica-FC said...

congrats on the 10,000 hits on your blog. that is way cool. I have put a link on my blog here:

many thanks for sharing and I love your stamps that you received also. they are sooo gorgeous. i cannot wait tos ee the creations you make from them. :)

Jeanette said...

Hi Nikki, I actually am leaving you the message that I would like to pass along an award I rec'd today to you as I admire your work so much. You can find the details here:

I will post a message about your blog candy tomorrow.

Dawnmarie said...

Wow!!! I just found your blog and I LOVe it!!! Thanks for the chance for the blog candy!!!

mueppi said...

Herzlichen Glückwunsch zu Deinen 10.000 Besuchern!!!!!
Hugs Gisela from germany

Andrea said...

Hi Nikki, congratulations on 10.000 hits on your blog!

Great candy, i post it on my blog!

Hugs Andrea

Heidi said...

Wonderful blog candy Nikki and congratulations with 10 000 hits. I just love your blog. Love the new magnolia club kit too!


Anonymous said...

I am so glad I found your Blog, what wonderful cards...congratulations!

ribenaruby said...

What pretty cards and yummy candy too. Congratulations on your fantastic mark.

Patrick & Eileen said...

I just found your's wonderful. Congratulations on so many hits!!!

I love your work and how you put everything together to make some very pretty cards!

Again, glad I found your blog,

Crafting Diva said...

Hi Nikki you have some lovely blog candy I have linked you to my blog and congrats on the 10,000 hits!!!!!

Jen said...

Congratulations on getting so many hits! I've left a comment and link on my blog to spread the word about your wonderful candy.
I'm offering candy on my blog too if you want to enter.
Jen x

retiredheather said...

Congrats again. I sent you an email and I wish you a wonderful blog year.

nicky said...

Congratulation to 10.000 hits from germany! You have a yummi Blog-Candy! Nicky

Heather said...

Wow, 10000 hits thats amazing. I'm not even near 1000 yet but i suppose i'm still quite new to this. Am definitely up for some wonderful blog candy, especially since my stash purchasing days are over (explanation on my blog!) :(

Fiorella said...

HI! I've just discovered your fabulous blog....I love it!
Unfortunately I don't have one...anyway I will visit yours very often by now

Heather Huggins said...

Wow congratulations!!! Thats super.
Oh I hope my stamp club arrives in the mail today!!! It looks awesome.
I've post a link to your blog HERE

Sharon said...

Congratulations on your 10,000 visits (I think a couple of hundred of those are from me LOL!!) I'm really not surprised as your cards are such an inspiration.
I have linked your blog here.
Thanks for the chance to win such generous candy.
Sharon :-)x

Bubbles said...

Congratulations Nikki on your 10,000 hits it's no surprise though as your blog is fab!
Oh how jeoulous am I of your new Magnolia stamps, you are so lucky, can you believe I still don't own a single Magnolia stamp?!
Off to leave a link to your candy on my blog.
Joanne x

Karin said...

Hi Nikki,

congrats to your 10,000 hits in only a few months.
I've made a link on my blog, but I won't be in the drawing.
a bit silly to winn my own stamps back.

xoxo karin

Sinikka said...

WOW and CONGRATS!!!! Well Ithink you really deserve that many visitors.
Well done........
Hugs SInikka

kamewh said...

Congrats on 10,000 hits! That is pretty impressive!

flatis stempelwelt said...

Congratulations with you 10.000 hits in 4 months and what a great candy are you given. Thanks for the chance to win....
I will link you on my blog

hugs from Sonja

Mel said...

Hi Nikki, Congratulations on 10,000hits that is just amazing. I have put a link on my blog :0) Mel

Bev said...

wonder blog and great candy. Have left a link on my blog.

Chrissie said...

Congratulations Nikki, I've left a link on my blog

Donna said...

Congratulations on your hits, i'm not surprised, great blog and fab candy. Going to leave a link on my blog now. Donna XX

Justine said...

WOW Nikki..... 10,000 hits!! that's fantastic although not surprising!!! your blog is fabulous! I will put a link on my blog to this post shortly. Thanks for the chance! Great Candy!
Hugs, Justine x x

Turid Mari said...

Hi Nikki :)
Congrats on your 10.000 hits :)
I've made a link to your blog in mine :)

Hugs from Turid.

Linanna DESIGNS said...

Congratulations on your 10,000 hits, iv'e only just started my blog and I can not imagine having that many ever!! Love your blog and have put a link on my blog to yours.

Lovely blog candy too, someone will be lucky to win it.


Stacey said...

Thank you for being so generous Nikki! Also a massive thank you for all the lovely comments you always leave me - they are appreciated so much ~x~

Mistress Meeyee said...

Hey! Please count me in because I would love to win this! Great giveaway!! Thanks a bunch!

ineskreationen said...

ohhh i hope im win the beatiful magnolia`s

nessy said...

fantastic blog candy ~will add a link to your blog ,tomorrow morning
vanessa xx

Kim Dellow said...

Wow what delicious blog candy :) Thanks for the chance and well done on the Hits.

Anonymous said...

Hi! Can't help giving it a try even if there's many girls before me here. Love your work and congratulations to a rapidly growing blog!

Jill said...

Congratulations, your cards are fantastic, Jill X

Here is the Link.

Heike's Creativeplace said...

Wow, Nikki this is so fantastic 10.000 Hits in 4 months Congratulations...... Thanks for the Chance to win.

Greetings Heike

Eva said...

Congrats! Thank you so much for this blog candy! Eva from Italy

Arianne said...

Congrats on your 10,000 hits!
Love your stuff!

Can I ask for 3rd price? ;0))
I don't have any of those brand of stamps, so all images would be amazing!

Here's the post on my blog:

gailscraftyplace said...

Wow, 10,000 hits, you must be mega chuffed, I'm new to blogging myself but have found it to be full of lovely craft minded people. Good luck for another 10,000. Gail xx

Frances said...

Congrats on getting to 10,000! What fab candy,I'd be happy with just the Papilio stamp ;). fingers crossed. x

Karen said...

That is awesome blog hitting! Congratulations
I also have candy offered if you'd like a go.
I've linked to you on my blog here

Cazzy said...

Congratulations on your 10k hits! Love the blog candy and as it is closing on my birthday I feel that I have to join in!

Will put a link on my blog now.

Richelle said...

Awesome blog candy! Congrats on all those hit...amazing!!!

paylin said...

Congratulation on your 10k hits. That’s beautiful creation and lovely layout.


~* Donna *~ said...

WOW! now thats candy i been after some papilio stamps for months now:( i just cant get them same goes for hanglar stamps * crys*

Zoe - Write my name MASSIVE!!! LOl

and well done at 10,000! thats a mile stone indeed.

right im off to stick a linky on my blog now. (candy coming on my blog tomorrow when they arrive in store also!)

Unknown said...

You have a lovely blog here, congratulations on your hits, have left a link for you

Anonymous said...

Fab blog candy congrats on your hits xx

V Colbourne said...

Congrats on your hits!! I just linked you up to my blog ;) The blog candy here looks yummy!! Can't wait to look around your blog a little more.

Kim said...

WOW...that is some AWESOME blog candy...and I would love to be picked! hee hee! I am posting a link on my blog...please stop by my blog and say Hi! I love new visitors!

Hugs~ Kim

Amanda said...

Congrats! Great blog, you're very talented. Best wishes to you.

Crafty Treasures said...

WOW....10,000 Hits! I'm barely at 100! LOL
Love the blog candy and WILL be putting a link to you on my blog too!

Judi said...

Wow - what an awesome prize! Something we can't get here in the states. Love the pic of your daughter with her bunny (how you got your blog name) Bunnies are my favorite pet ever! Congrats on the many hits, and what a challenge to write all these names! GREAT BLOG!!!! Judi

Asksvart said...

I just have to take the chance...
Hope you have a nice week.
You find my real blogg at

Kristine said...

Congrats with 10 000 hits! And what a lovely blog candy to win!
I have posted about it in this link at my blog:

Hugs from Kristine

Jessica said...

Congratulations, 10,000 hits is awesome!

I've linked to you on my blog :)

Charli said...

Congratulations on the 10,000 hits!
I'll just put the link on my blog now
Great blog candy!

M@ureen said...

10,000 hits in such a short time, congratulations!!!
It's my first time here on your blog and all I can say is .... WOW!!!

What a great candy, very generous of you ... would love to win ... I'll put a link on my blog right away ;-)

Mary Bennett said...

Hi Nikki,
I am not worried about winning as I never win anything any way but just wanted to tell you I am happy for you getting 10,000 visitors on your blog. That is GREAT!!! You look like a very nice person and your children are darling. Keep up the good work Nikki.
Mary Bennett

Christine (All She Crafts) said...

Omigosh! How cute is your family? And I am in love with your cat, Gemma! She would go beautifully with my Tigs! :o)

Congrats on the 10,000 visitors!! Not surprised.. Your cards are lovely, and your blog is great!

Have linked to your blog, and the blog candy post.. Both are on the sidebar of my blog.. HERE

Keren said...

Wow, great blog and lovely candy, have added you to my favs

Tracey said...

WOW 10,000 hits is amazing, Congratulations. I love your blog and your card are gorgeous.
Fantastic Blog Candy and very generous of you to give so much. I have put a link on my blog

Tracey xx

Anonymous said...

wow congarts that is alot just in 4 months. melissa

Anonymous said...

With ma bad english, I just want to say that your scrap is very very beautiful and I'll insert a link on my blog.

Kelly Schelske said...

Congrats Nikki, your blog is awesome!! No wonder you are past 10 000 already!! I have posted a link to your blog and candy here:

Have a wonderful day and thanks so mcuh for the awesome made my day, I love it. I will get it up soon too:-) Have a fantastic day!

InkyAndScrappy said...

Congrats on all the hits. Love your cards too cute stuff.
I link it here

Lim said...

Congratulations Nikki!!
I have a post in my blog with your Candy picture as well. The new Magnolia's are awesome!

Javablustamper said...

Hi NIkki, congrats! I am in the process of building my Blog. I love yours, what an inspiration! I will attempt to put a link on mine for yours. If it doesn't work I will email you. I hope it does because I love yours!!! Your daughter is adorable too! I have a 5 1/2 yr old daughter and 1 yr old twins! Take care!! I will come back and visit; great magnolia stamp!

diddy2703 said...

wow what a wonderful blog! i found it thx to the blog candy and i love what you do!
i'd like to participate for the blog candy too
i don't have a blog :(

freaky said...

Congrats Nikki to the 10.000 hit in four month. You have a wunderful blog, and it's a great candy!! *Fingercrossed* Maybe I have a little bit luck :-)
hugs, Nicole

Veerle said...

great give away!! very sweet of you! I've linked you on my blog!!

greetz from Belgium


Kathy said...

wow I love thoese house stamps where did you get them! thank you for the chance to enter this Blog Candy!

Sam said...

Congratulations on reaching 10,000 hits. I have set up alink on my blog. Thanks for the chance.

crafty creations said...

brilliant blog and well done on so many hits. I've left a link to your blog on mine.

keeping my fingers crossed

Sam said...

WOW, 10,000 hits in 4 months, well done... Great blog, lovely cards, fantastic blog candy. Am off now to leave a link on your blog.
Sam x

Daisy Chain said...

Many CONGRATULATUIONS on your fantastic news. So may hits in so little time. Well deserved for a fab blog. I've left a message on by blog letting everyone know.


Debbie xx

Janet said...

Congrats on your 10,000 hits! I hope you reach 20,000 in the near future, too! Thanks for the chance to win. I linked you up on my blog:

Unknown said...

congrats on reaching 10,000 hits!

I linked to your contest here by the way :)

Jeanette said...

Congrats again. Your work is truly remarkable. I've left a link in my blog here:

Jess said...

Wow! what a great accomplishment?! I'm lovin' your designs!

Monique said...

Congratulations on your 10.000 hits Nikki !! I've put it on my blog :)).

Hugs Monique

❤ Kaia said...

Congratulations on 10.000 hits on your blog. I've made a link to your blog in my blog.
Have a nice day ;-)

Anonymous said...

Congratulation with 10.000 hits. What a great blogg candy, and a lot of nice cards you have made.

Anonymous said...

Voicile lien vers mon blog:

Anonymous said...

Congratulations with you're 10.000 hits! I've put you're link on my blog! have a nice day! best wishes sam

gersende said...

congralulation for 10000 hits !! thanks for your blog candy, i'm adding your link on my blog !!
here :

Unknown said...

Congrats on 10,000 hits! I've added a link for your blog here:

I am also giving some stuff away so help spread the word!

Else Slipsager Petersen said...

What a great blog candy. I love visiting your blog, so full of inspiration

Meli Palmer said...

Congrats on your hits! So exciting.

My blog is:


Anonymous said...

10.000 hits...WOW. Congratulations!!
This is a great candy, i post it on my blog! :)

Greetz from Germany!

CraftyC said...

congraulations on hitting 10,000 posts Nikki, I have linked your candy to my blog as I think everyone who's into cute should come and visit. I've seen those house stamps and think they are lush!!! Say Hi to Zoe for me...

Jo said...

Congratulations Nikki on your 10,000 milestone. No surprise to me as your work is fantastic! Have put a posting on my blog although it doesn't look like you need the advertisement by the number of comments lol!!!

Rach said...

oh wow Nikki, congratulations on hitting the 10,000 visitor mark...though i am not at least surprised. Your creations are always so lovely and inspiring, and on top of that you are so kind and leave so many lovely comments. All the best for the next 10,000!....I have linked your blog candy on my blog. hugs rach.xx

Caroline said...

congrats with 10 000 visitors!! No Wonder!!! Your blog is fab! You can find a link to your blogcandy at

Mandy said...

Hey Nikki - cute blog! Your cards are adorable. I put up a link on my blog sharing your candy offer! Thanks! Mandy

Anonymous said...

Your blog is truly an inspiration and now a contest?! Fabulous! :)
I've linked to your blog candy here:

Lisa G. said...

Awesome cards! I am just learning too and hope to be as good as you one day! :)

My daughter has just today entered your daughters card challenge! She had sooo much fun! Thanks to your girl for being inspiring to other girls!

Lisa Beaudry

MinnaK. said...

Hi, i`m from Finland, and i love your beautiful cards, they are stunning :D

Hugs, Minna

Anonymous said...

Et bien 10 000 hits en 4 mois, BRAVO tu fais de très jolies choses. Alors continue! Bisous et à bientôt.

Chelsea said...

Congrats on 10,000 hits! You have great stuff on your blog .. keep it up!


Trina said...

Hi Nikki,

I linked you on my blog! Thanks for offering this wonderful blog candy, I would love to win it!!
Hope you have a great weekend!

jane said...

Hi Nikki.. what a wonderful blog you have..
have a great day

Dawny P said...

Well done Nikkie - congrats on sooo many hits. Not surprised though cos your blog is wonderful xxxx

Mutte said...

I'm glad I found your blog, love your cards !!

Nice said...

First i write here and than i will look to your blog again.
And you find my words to you (in german, because my english is to bad) here:

Amanda said...

Fab blog, so many hits in such a short time. Well done.

Deb Wood said...

Congratulations on 10,000 hits! I'm not surprised your blog is awesome!!

Thanks for a chance to win!!

Jenny said...

Congratulations with you're 10.000 hits!

Cathy said...

Hi Nikki,
I've just realised I linked you days ago and didn't comment here -doh!!!! Congratulations on 10000+ hits and its fab candy!
Cathy xx

(The link is in the Blog Candy Galore post)

BrendaLea, the Prpldy said...

Wow! What great strides in just a few short months. Congrats, and I've posted at my blog.

Anita Knits said...

Wow, 10,000 hits in four months, not suprised as you make such stunning cards and I just love checking out your blog. Anita

Tilte said...

Congratulations on your 10.000 hits. No surprise, since your blog is truly inspiring ... thx for sharing all your great stuff ;o)

Stephanie Earls said...

Congrats on the 10,000 hits and thanks for sharing the wealth with some great blog candy! I put a link on my blog so others could visit.

Dawn said...

Wow! 10,000 hits, that is awesome! Keep up the terrific work! I'm putting a link on my blog.

Sylvia Blum said...

Congrats on the 10.000 hits :o) And thanks so much for offering your wonderful blog candy to international readers, too *smile*

Ohhh.. and I just saw the photo of your darling daughter Zoe with her pink bunny at the bottom .. and... awwwwww... this is too cute!!!! :-)

Love & Smiles from Germany

ella bella said...

Congratulations Nikki on reaching so many hits in such a short time, it doesnt surprise me your cards are stunning you are very talented. thanks for the chance of winning some fab blog candy
have a great weekend
Tracy x

Lisa said...

I really love your gorgeous fairy below.
Is she by Magnolia? (I'm still new to them) Where can I find her?

tracie said...

Hi Nikki, congratulations on reaching 10,000 hits, its no wonder hun your card are fabulous. And what great candy, I've left a link on my blog.
Have a great weekend :)x

Angélique said...

Congrats on your 10,000 hits!

Shelly said...

WOW! What fab blog candy Nikki! Congratulations on your 10,000 hits! Good going for 4 months. I've put a link on my blog to yours!

Wendy Swenne said...

Congrats on your hits!

And a lovely candy.

I put it on my blog

mawmawjoan said...

Congrats! I just found your blog. Love it girl!

Anonymous said...

congrats on all of your hits.
I don't have a blog....sorry!:(
But I will tell everyone that I have found a neat blog...

Anonymous said...

my sis jaime said i gotta check out your page! you have many great cards!!

Geyna said...

You have many daily visits,your cards are so fabulous.

Greetings from Spain

Lynn said...

Congrats on 10,000 hits and Great Candy!! Your cards are fantastic.
I posted a little ditty about your blog candy on my blog today.

Kerryn said...

Congrats on 10,000 hits!! what lovely blog candy too!
i've linked to you on my blog!

Susan said...

Such wonderful candy! I hope I have a chance! I'm linking you in my blogpost today. Thanks so much.
Susan M.

lalalla said...

here is my blog

congrat on such wonderful occasion!

Just call me G said...

Hi Nikki

Its not hard to see why you have so many hits on your blog...

You are already linked on my blog but have also now linked your blog candy too...

It looks like a bit of a mammoth task ahead sorting out all the names for picking a winner... the girls will be all excited, bless em.


Mollymoo Creates said...

Wow look at all these comments!!! Congrats on reaching 10000 hits! I have left a link on my blog, you can find it here :-)

Zuza said...

Congratulations. But no wonder, your blog is great. I will be happy to place a link on my blog.

Unknown said...

I just found your blog today. Congrats on 10,000 hits! I've only just starting blogging, so i will put your link on mine as soon as I can figure it out, lol!

Unknown said...

Wow, 10,000 hits! That is incredible, congratulations! It would be great to link you up on my blog!

Unknown said...

Oh, you'll find your link here!

Irina said...

Hi Nikki,

congratulations with your 10,000 hits!
I really like your blog and pass by from time to time to look what's new. Your creations are amazing.

Thanks for giving us the chance to win this great candy.I linked it on my blog.

cu Irina

Tegan said...

Great blog you have here!
Popped over from Dorris's blog and you have some cute work posted here:)

eba said...

I'm in! :D Lovely blog!

Ying Pang, said...

congratulations Nikki for the great hit! I hope I have the chance to win.

Susie Little said...

Oooh what a lot of names to write down!

maiahs_momma said...

Congrats on all your hits :)! I tried posting on my blog about your blog candy with a link, but the silly thing won't let me. will keep trying, but you never know about blogger :)!


emily13 said...

Congrats, that's quite an achievement! Also need to say - your cat is gorgeous, i love tabbies :)

Unknown said...

I am probably too late for the prize but I still wanted to say "WOOT!" to your 10,000 hits! YAY!

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